Tag Archive: yellow


Last night I had two dreams, the first I remember because it was just /so/ wrong. The second I can’t remember beyond knowing I had it.

Ok, the dream I remember was wrong on so many levels. My dad, my 5 year old niece and me were watching a cartoon film that I had recommended (GODS only know what my brain was on last night). Anyway, it all goes fine and the yellowy characters are ok…until a pair of them start doing something highly questionable and DEFINITELY not something a 5 year old should be watching and doing it in very graphic fashion. I think ‘Oh shit my dad is gonna KILL me.’ Because I had recommended the film and because dad would /definitely/ have done it if I had in real life had a brain spasm/lost my senses and recommended that film as something suitable for my niece to watch. Only he doesn’t kill me, he doesn’t scream at me. He /laughs/ cracks some really immature jokes about it. And suddenly it’s not lewd and wrong and stuff. cos dad has made it all right by being /really/ immature. then the dream ended. Yeah, I am weird in my sleep (as if anyone who reads this blog didn’t know this already).


The first section of the dream I remember is me and a female friend, possibly Amanda in an eastern/desert room/cavern setting. It’s all yellow rock. We are exploring a series of caves that are arranged much as a kid’s assault course/play area. I am not sure whether we were looking for anything specific or just exploring and playing.

The caverns are bubble like and have some slopes at 45 degrees. There is a statue with a cat head. And a tiled set of steps arranged in a square/oblong. There was a very limber woman in it sitting on one of the steps; there were palms and possibly a waterfall also. I don’t know what the woman was doing in the dream, she may have been trying to seduce one of the men or kill me or someone important, either way, something sets us against her in a major way. It’s then that I see her hit a tile on one side of her with the foot and leg on the other side of her body setting her shimmery silver/purple belly dancing gear shimmering and rustling. The tile depresses under her foot and she disappears.

After this my female friend/companion disappears, and an elder male companion/protector shows up. He was in the cavern/room all the time, but it isn’t noticed until now. I am on the head of the cat statue when the woman disappears. The man yells in frustration, and I bash the cats head twice with my left foot. We likewise disappear, and then reappear in another place standing side by side. My mind identifies this as another dimension. We see her darting away down a street and give chase in this mediaeval style world, but lose her in the chaos and confusion. I distinctly see an overturned cart and people running around in confusion and panic. There are also soldiers moving about with purpose. I get the distinct impression that the village or town we are in is under attack

We decide to retreat. The man who is with us is badly hurt protecting us and the only way back is with a handheld computer – there is only one. He gives it to us and then manages to lose himself in the crowd. We return, saddened that he is dead. The other guard in the Egyptian cavern tries to go back to find/rescue him, but can’t find him and is forced to admit defeat.

Then suddenly the dream shifted and I was in a house asleep. There was a man sleeping downstairs. I think he was with me in the previous part of the dream but wasn’t the one chasing this woman – he got stuck in the other dimension and I think this guy was his friend and tried to get him back.

He wakes; we leave the house and end up on a space ship. They have this holo image of him and it’s naked and being turned on a podium. Before he can be seen full frontal it flickers and is shut off. I distinctly remember thinking ‘that’s a relief’ at not seeing him like that. The team on the space station tell us that they are doing special body patterns for transporters or some other project. Then they (there are several others in the space ship room) who say they have one of me made from the general records but need to know exactly where all my beauty spots/moles are so they can complete it. I burst into hilarious laughter and try to pull up my top over my head, but can’t keep my feet because I am laughing too hard. I eventually get the top over my head and they all stare at my back which (as in real life) is COVERED in moles/beauty spots that I got from a colossal burning a few years back. They all stare at me like I am a scientific specimen discussing the difficulty of inputting all the spots and then I woke up.


It was a really bizarre dream I had last night. I dreamt I hitchhiked a ride to somewhere on a car…only I was on the bonnet of the car. It had a white bonnet and the driver was a woman. I was holding onto these 2 handholds and there was a little blood on my hands that smeared on the bonnet. I nearly got tossed once when the car swerved and we came really close to rear ending another vehicle (a land rover I think). Anyway we are really whizzing along on the motorway and I am trying to keep onboard and not get tossed because I know if I do I will be killed at worst, very very badly injured and probably run over by another car at best. I keep adjusting my grips on the handholds and as get tired I take the one attached just below the windscreen and wrap it round my wrist. At which point the woman decides it’s time for a break and pulls into a service station.

When we get there the shop looks like any service station in layout, only the shop is a farmers market and as I go look for the toilets (finding a friend on the way who is decorating a hall for a Christmas dance) I can see showers and spa facilities down another corridor. I go to the loo and am followed by another girl who sits down next to me. I have my wee and then ask the girl to leave while I wipe. She grumbles but gets up (her pants are down) and she pulls them up under her skirt as she leaves (lovely image to have when dreaming – not!). When I leave the loos there is a great hall outside (The car service station appears to have disappeared) and it’s gorgeous and has lovely wooden rafters. Me and my friends have a good chat about stuff, though I can’t remember what it was about now and hang tinsel from the solid wooden roof beams (it appears that one is the Cadburys caramel dear and can float – and it lets me have a ride) while others use ladders and other conventional methods. Then I go for a walk with a man (who looks like David Tennant) and a couple of others. We see this great waterfall feature and go down to see where the water that comes down off it is going. It had a name but I can’t remember it…something like sump only it wasn’t that. There is a concrete stream/reservoir which is bricked off at one end and a path cuts through it. We follow this path only it leads to a place where there is a massive queue and when I manage to get in they are selling cake and other things like a WI market on a field looking like the one next to Tulketh High school. It’s surrounded by trees. I turn back and catch up with my friends and we go back to a house. It’s not the service station. I meet my friend again (I am pretty sure it’s Amanda) and make a painting. Then I see servants. They are being mistreated by another man. I try to intervene and the servants get sent off somewhere. I argue with the man and end up winning. I have authority over him. Then I go back to this room – its grey and on a landing of sorts and start paining a vertical line on every work of art young school children could have done. The lines come out very watery but they show over the other colours. I am using yellows and orange when the servants/slaves come back I tell them that this line signifies that they are free for the day…one grins, they thank me and then the dream ends.

Very random one that. It seemed to last forever so I am sorry I haven’t provided masses of details about what everything looked like.