Tag Archive: two dreams



The dream I had last night had rats or rodent pets. Mum and dad were there with a little one. We were trying to escape. There is a lot of talking to them, but I have no idea what I said.

The dream shifted then, and I moved into a school. It had dark and blue colours. The headmaster is breaking the rules for a student. He is protecting a place where a pair in love can have some privacy – the parents are at the school too – they think its hilarious. Then I go into the school yard. Again its dark and blue colours predominate. It is also a bit like an evil Las Vegas. There’s a teacher in blue and black who is really tall with a small bald pale blue head.

Then the dream shifts again and it becomes a harry potter dream as harry and Malfoy battle it out in the playground – Harry has made a ‘7th level spell’ – a barrel of whiskey. Sirius, Peter, Remus AND his father are trying to keep him safe/out of trouble. He crashes into the bald tall teacher and some students and drops some sort of spell ball – – I think a stink bomb. Then I woke up.

I had two dreams this weekend.

Last night’s dream is slipping through my fingers like water. It had something to do with a choice and a house in the countryside, and I don’t remember much more than that.

The dream from the night before I remember much more of. I am by the sea side, there are killer whales, but the fatty layers under their skin were all exposed an cracked. It had something to do with the fae, and a shopping place. Grandma was there too. Yeah. I thought that a bit odd too.



The dream I had last night had rats or rodent pets. Mum and dad were there with a little one. We were trying to escape. There is a lot of talking to them, but I have no idea what I said.

The dream shifted then, and I moved into a school. It had dark and blue colours. The headmaster is breaking the rules for a student. He is protecting a place where a pair in love can have some privacy – the parents are at the school too – they think its hilarious. Then I go into the school yard. Again its dark and blue colours predominate. It is also a bit like an evil Las Vegas. There’s a teacher in blue and black who is really tall with a small bald pale blue head.

Then the dream shifts again and it becomes a harry potter dream as harry and Malfoy battle it out in the playground – Harry has made a ‘7th level spell’ – a barrel of whiskey. Sirius, Peter, Remus AND his father are trying to keep him safe/out of trouble. He crashes into the bald tall teacher and some students and drops some sort of spell ball – – I think a stink bomb. Then I woke up.



I slept really well last night and had two dreams.

The first was set in a hospital or college. It felt like a hospital though. I was wanting to learn about a course and the receptionist wasn’t there. I have a look around, meet aunt Pam (it has to be the past, she looks frightful) and look into a room, which turns out to be a lecture theatre with Mike Gosling my old geology teacher from college in. I go back to reception. Mike comes out and we talk, I tell him I met Sarah recently and then Adam (we were all in the same class), who then turns up. Mike and Adam hug (in a manly way).

The second dream I had was about moving into the house mum and I are trying to buy. Sarah and Joe are helping us to unload. Sarah and I go inside, take a turn and find ourselves in a completely new part off the house – it’s a stairwell we’ve never seen. We follow it and eventually rejoin the other part of the house . We tell the others and there’s excitement about this new bit we didn’t know about. I don’t remember much else.


I had two dreams last night.
I the first one I was with a runaway ship – alone on it in fact, a just a book to explain how to turn it around before crew get on, and I am a naval officer.  Only they aren’t supposed to get on for some reason, that/’s utterly beyond me. There was also some sort of medical thing with crystals and orange fluid – a bit like Berocca. Oh and some guy tried to drown me.  THAT woke me up good.  Heart pounding, adrenalin pumping.  I basically ended up in the water with a load of others, and this guy basically climbed on me, and wouldn’t let me get up for air.  I must have held my breath in my sleep too.  I was gasping.  That’s probably what woke me.
The other was more fantastical, but much less scary. It was in a land with magic and winter and a dark wizard. A girl is powerful, but doesn’t realise it. There is a council of wizards – old one tells of girl. They look like Dumbledore and Gandalf and are leaders. The girl comes. A deal is made. She is offered sex in exchange for stopping an evil wizard.n  Don’t even ask me why she was being offered sex as payment.  I haven’t the foggiest.She talks about something to do with her friend and the cold – her friend needs her help I think.  I don’t remember any more.


I had two dreams last night
In the first I am on a container ship with a group of others and Donna Noble/Catherine Tate, We are being allowed to play with the crane to place crates on the ship. We are doing it very badly – it’s all haphazard. I do my crate – again really wonkily placed, and then it’s Donnas go. For her turn we have to go off the upper levels and onto the crew deck, near the bow. I climb down and jump down the crates (even though I know they are container sized, I don’t get hurt) and one of the ships crew tells me to be careful. I get down to the deck with the others and watch as Donna makes an even worse job than I did. SO bad that the thing starts sliding/rolling towards us. We run towards the shelters on the ship (there is one either side of this deck – just in case) and we all take shelter – the crate falls into the sea a little way out. The dream fades with one of the crew berating the others for letting us play with the crates. Though it turns out that that crate had all our stuff in it (except mine – I had it in my backpack.)
Then the dream shifts and I am on some sort f a military base. I am a corporal, and I am with another corporal who is from America. I go to the mess and get introduced to the two corporals we will be joining, then I go meet my partner the next day I think. We go back to the mess, and I call for the woman who was still on the base. She’s been promoted, and so has my companion. I congratulate both and then they start discussing why they were promoted and why the lad is here instead of America – something to do with him not being up to fighting. All the time I am at attention. Then they stop and I report in – I stumble over the corporal/lieutennant thing at first. And the woman greets me warmly. As we wander outside, she asks about my ‘odd’ name. Says I must have hated it. I agree I didn’t like it – too plain and boring. Then she goes off and I suggest a walk with my american colleage beyond the base is a plain, possibly a sandy beach. I see a horse running along it, water splashing, and beyond a forest. Then I woke up.


I don’t remember much of my dreams last night, mostly because I forgot to write them don in full as soon as I had woken.  Typical of course, but when you are running late for work, little things like writing down a dream tend to slide down the to do list.
So, in the first I am at a wedding at a church on a hill.  Soeone’s been murdered, and I am a suspect.  Only I don’t know if I did it or not.
The other involved me being on a windy beach with adults and children.  It was definitely more involved than that, but I don’t remember the details.


I had another Doctor Who dream last night.  Dr who and the collapsing building. We are travelling together (it’s the latest doctor this time) and end up in this party with loads of richly dressed people.  He disappears with a group of people just before all hell breaks loose – possibly an explosion or an earthquake but there was definitely a fire. There are two men – one v. short and stubby the other tall and lanky are fighting and then trying to escape out the back with me in tow.  We cross paths with a gang (probably the ones that caused the catastrophe as a diversion) with Nick (a colleague from work) that were also escaping except nick is bound and gagged and being carried bodily out.  We rescue him, chase off the gang and cut his bonds.  I  woke with my heart pounding because the building was collapsing behind us.
After managing to get back to sleep I had another dream.
This one was based on Star Trek with the rescue of someone stuck on the outer hull (one of the crew doing a fix) when the enterprise has to suddenly go into warp.  The person, is still attached to the ship by a tether, but has lost their footing.  Igt looks like it was in the latest film – grey and flowy, like in a wormhole.  Three of us go out onto the hull to bring the crewman back in.


I had two dreams last night.
In the first, I was at a hotel.  It’s all sandy on the beach right outside and the sea is lovely and tropical.  I remember I was wearing summer clothes and there was money.  I go to visit a cove one night at sunset.  I remember shouting, trouble and bleached sand, but not much else.
In the second, I am in a house with nanny, friends and family.  It must be a festive occasion, because everyone’s wearing hats. I get the feeling it’s a carnival rather than a wedding.  There’s a woman outside wearing a very blue jacket and a red hat.  I don’t recognize anyone really and I go into nannies room.  I go to her vanity cabinet (where did she get that from?), It’s empty and I open the jewellery and makeup box that’s musical. I am wearing a flat cap but change it to a ribbon, There is another guy wearing a flat cap, and another other girl wearing nannies hat, and another guy in what looks like a fedora.  I don’t remember what happens.


I had two dreams last night.  The first was a fragment of a dream in which I am working. It doesn’t look like work, but there you go.  Roger (the boss) calls me into the office and tells me I am getting a new computer from work.  I see some stuff on his computer etc, and we chat, and that’s all I remember.
The other dream was awesome. It was all about a phoenix and it mating with the silver phoenix that was hiding in my aunts head. There’s some authority trying to stamp out the phoenixes and my family seem to be their guardians.  I remember a room that I stay in and my backpack filled with bits that I need. Most of all I remember the phoenix when it finally is released (though I can’t remember how it was sadly) It goes into the sky and starts flying around, shortly to be joined by the silver phoenix who comes from out of my aunt (I think her name was May? Yes, Mad aunt May) head.  Thus commences the sky dance and mating in which they make a funnel/water slide, only there are two raptor creatures flying at them, so they escape.  The two dinosaur like creatures at the base of the water slide are on our side, but can’t fly.  So I rush down to the slide, climb the steps and get dive into the water.  It’s a fast and rough ride, and I get washed around before being dumped into a pool at the bottom.  Now it’s my turn to have a phoenix in my head.  I am wearing blue.  My half sister is jealous and wants the honour herself, but it’s done now and that’s the end of that dream.