Tag Archive: wind



It was an interesting dream last night. I was cast away on a little boat after the ship I’m on sinks. I’m all alone, it’s a wooden rowing boat for the most part, but the weather is good. It’s morning and I’m coming into a harbour. There are sleek fast little yachts speeding by me. I’m using a bed sheet on a pole to propel myself, and the sheet keeps getting tangled. Eventually I get into port, which is a place called Spa. There are lots of canals. My boat overturns, and I end up in the water. It’s a pale milky blue, and warm – nowhere near as cold as I was expecting. There are all sorts of people bathing in the waters – for their health. I climb out and wonder what to do. It’s obviously a foreign Germanic country. I try to find a way to contact the embassy. I find a pastry shop, and they have a phone they are willing to let me use. Then there are lots of options to go through. In the end the phone options come to someone coming out to loan me the money to get home – it has to be paid back within the year, but I’m not worried about that. I have plenty of money in the dream. Then I woke up.



I had a dream about mum and my bunnies last night, don’t remember much about that though.

I had another dream in which I’ve gone to Lands End. There is a vertical cliff and something is of interest as there are many looking over the cliff – we climbed the hill to get there and it’s a sheer drop we are standing on the very edge of. I look down – it’s a long way to the sand and surf. I climbed the hill from the low lying land to get there. I remember the climb being difficult. The wind was blowing strongly from land to sea so I stepped away from the cliff for fear of falling. I watched the others looking out to sea and down, then I went back down the hill.



I had a dream about mum and my bunnies last night, don’t remember much about that though.

I had another dream in which I’ve gone to Lands End. There is a vertical cliff and something is of interest as there are many looking over the cliff – we climbed the hill to get there and it’s a sheer drop we are standing on the very edge of. I look down – it’s a long way to the sand and surf. I climbed the hill from the low lying land to get there. I remember the climb being difficult. The wind was blowing strongly from land to sea so I stepped away from the cliff for fear of falling. I watched the others looking out to sea and down, then I went back down the hill.


I don’t remember much of my dreams last night, mostly because I forgot to write them don in full as soon as I had woken.  Typical of course, but when you are running late for work, little things like writing down a dream tend to slide down the to do list.
So, in the first I am at a wedding at a church on a hill.  Soeone’s been murdered, and I am a suspect.  Only I don’t know if I did it or not.
The other involved me being on a windy beach with adults and children.  It was definitely more involved than that, but I don’t remember the details.


Last night I had this weird dream where I was part of a secret group that was meeting.  I was with an old friend – Amanda and someone else and we were wandering around this shop/garden centre as if it was some sort of amusement park.  We bought ice cream (cost a fiver a cone) – mum moaned about the price so she must have been there at some point too.  It was vanilla and crunchie flavoured.  I take my friend somewhere and ask/beg them to stay there until I return and go to the meeting (order of the phoenix typed group).  I don’t remember what was discussed.
I remember a different fragment where I am being chased by a group (most of whom drop out until it’s only another person – a blonde lad).  the chase is at a walk.  I keep taking clothes off a line that I am following (it’s well over a mile long) and against the wind.  I get ahead by walking backwards.  He tries his hardest but even when walking with his back to the wind he can’t catch me.



I had two dreams last night, both of them work related. The first was set at my current work place. I had been processing data in the office and for some reason I go out into the effective stress lab. There’s a crowd of people around the sample preparation bench. Andy is preparing one of the samples in the normal manner and there is a big block of soil (looks like the modeling clay straight from the bag with its edges trimmed off). Michael comes up with a tray of drinks (tea coffee etc) and puts it down on the workspace just in front of the big clay specimen. Andy promptly starts to tell Michael off for being so careless – he could have disturbed the sample (even though it really doesn’t look all that delicate to me). Phil and Nick meanwhile are preparing another sample on the floor of all places. Nick is doing the trimming on his knees (and he is behind the bench so I can’t see him from my perspective) while Phil stands over him, directing/watching what he is doing and making suggestions. The Roger walks out of his office on the way to the advanced lab for some reason, and I ask him what the test is about (as I have never seen a test on such a weird (and large) specimen.). Roger explains it to me very convincingly (I can even hear his tone of voice in the dream) and then goes off to do whatever he was going to do (he is holding onto some papers) while my response was, “Huh”.

The second dream was based in Preston and centered around my old job of care assistant. For some reason I was up in Preston (probably visiting mum as per my usual reason for being up there) and Apex has convinced me to do a shift (they must have been utterly desperate). So I have gone to this place (it looks like it’s where nanny’s old care home is sited – and we are going into a house that is what I would call the ‘gatehouse’ that is to the side of it to an assisted living accommodation. I have gotten a lift or am driving a car very much like mum’s and I have Chloe the cat with me. No idea why I had brought her up north with me. Anyway, mum turns up and she has Will (her house rabbit) with her (hutch and all). We therefore decide to introduce them. Interesting thing about it. It isn’t Chloe (who has proved herself a cold hard killer of all things rodent and avian) who attacked. Will bit her on the nose! She kept wanting to make friends, and he kept attacking her. Then I notice how odd the weather is getting. There has been a storm building for a while with dark grey clouds and wind etc…now I notice that there’s what looks like the funnel of a twister coming down from the clouds . It is BIG and very threatening looking and I can still /see/ the twisting vortex of the water vapour in the twisting wind. It keeps trying to set down, but never quite reaches the ground. But the clouds above are getting ever blacker and there are some curious black sparkles in it that I /think/ are stars – as if the storm is peeling back the atmosphere and revealing the utter black of space, punctuated by the stars (either that or it was dead black cloud (I mean it was so black it could have been sapping the light from the surroundings) with tiny lightning globs at random points. I keep thinking it would be a good idea to get in the car – or in the building, but the sight is really mesmerizing…and then I got woke up by Chloe using me as a springboard.



I had quite a vivid dream last night though I think there was more than one, given that one has fantasy beings in and the other dinosaurs. It started with me walking somewhere. I slip to the side of the road – it’s icy and at an angle – I see or find a queens head shilling which is important for some reason I can’t fathom – There are ice and fire people after me for this shilling (it must have had some special power or something. It’s all very Narnia-esque. I get rescued and end up being protected by another group of people. We end up in a minibus and have to sleep in a lay by because of the nasty begins. Only the fire beings have found us. I don’t remember any of the dream after this it moved on to the next one.
I am at work trying to get processing of the triaxial permeability tests right ( I was struggling a little with them yesterday). Then I ended up in a hospital where I had to do a test of sorts on a computer with a nurse as monitor, Then a friend had to do the test, and she wasn’t taking it well. I /really/ wanted to do the test for her. It was like she was paralysed the moment she sat in front of the screen. The nurse/monitor keeps telling me I need to let her do it herself, and I know this, but I have to point her in the right direction. Then once she has started I leave the room and I sit in a lounge for a bit. The seats are really comfy and in funky bright colours. There’s a big window (pretty much floor to ceiling) looking out onto a garden. I meet Ian Stimpson from uni there. He invites me on a field trip. I think it’s supposed to be in the Lake District. Me and friend doing the test go. We head into the mountains, there’s big brick buildings to one side of the track (hugging and in some cases digging back into the mountain. We drive into the valley via minibus I got a bit concerned about Stimmos driving he was going round corners at a speed at which we could easily have careened off. It’s a huge, steep valley, with lots of twisty roads, we are walking (though even that has risks) and we head down on the way walking back.
When we get to the bottom of the hill there are duck like dinosaurs that aren’t dinosaurs according to Stimmo. And the mountains are in spring bloom – loads of bluebells – I take photos – and yellow flowers. There is a small pond at which the duck billed dino’s are drinking. It’s all very picturesque. We get the Minibus home again (it seems to be following the route home from work even though Wallingford is nowhere near any mountains. The weather is very changeable – snow, rain wind, all in patches. I point it out to one of my companions. When I get home and need to nip to the loo – it looks like grandma’s.
There was also a bit where I dreamed I had to finish the painting I am doing because Kath’s sister was getting married that weekend and Kath wanted to give it to her as a gift….though I am fairly certain that in RL Kath’s sister is in fact already married…


I had a somewhat disturbing dream last night. I am listening to a man who is explaining his reasons for committing a crime – the murder of a very important person that he refers to as ‘the great man’. He is also explaining how he is going to get out of sentencing for the murder. He says that they were doing something bad. ‘If it weren’t for the children’ he says to ‘the great man’ before stabbing him to death.

Then the dream shifted and he was in court, before the judges he admits his guilt and writes a letter then he collapses (purposely). One of the court staff rushes up and checks his pulse. Call an ambulance! is yelled. The paramedics come and he is lifted onto a stretcher but isn’t bound to it or anything. Then they put it in the ambulance. As people are talking to the ambulance crew (arguing about something) the trolley comes out of the ambulance silently and then sets off down the road with the man on it. He smiles at me eerily and then lies back. If it weren’t for the children…echoes back.

I had another slightly disturbing dream later on. A friend from my early school days Amanda and I are out walking. It’s stormy and windy, and she wants to go up a hill. I know bad things will happen. I don’t want to but she goes anyway running up it with much energy. A massive gust blows a tree down off the hill. It hits her hard in the head before rolling on. If it had been real life she would most certainly have been killed instantly. I race up to her. She has a very serious head injury. An older man comes to assist me. We perform brain surgery on her right there in the stormy muddy field on the hill and then she recovers in hospital.