Tag Archive: church



I dreamt I was milking a goat that was acting more like a cat for some reason. It kept pouncing on its friend and rubbing against things like my friend Joe & Zoe’s cats were doing last night. I remember a plague was spreading from a church, and there was a hysterical traveller girl, and several ‘friends’ going mad, up to and including one that walked all the way to the coast, took off all of their clothes and swimming out to sea to the fresh water/salt water boundary which was a pretty sharp separation like oil and water). This boundary was the edge of the ‘safe to swim’ zone too…and I remember them swinging their body over the edge and draping themselves in the unsafe salt water which was murky and quite choppy compared with the clear tropical calm of the freshwater.



I had a lot of fragments of dreams, which were quite vivid in themselves, but I didn’t remember much of them when it actually came to waking as per usual. I did remember a few more as I started to write this though.

So the main fragment I woke up remembering was, well, decidedly odd. I have the distinct impression that I was in the middle of some sort of alien invasion, or possibly market research (possibly both – you never know these days). Anyway, I was with a group of people, out in the open, we are rounded up. We are all pretty passive about it, as if it doesn’t matter, or we knew this was coming and planned to go along with it. A bus shows up and we get on it. It takes us somewhere (this is the bit I get the impression of the alien abduction) but I don’t remember much more of this fragment, except the area we were rounded up from was green – grassy with concrete and some scrubby bushes – so possibly an airport?

That sort of shifts and I am walking through a dark tunnel. I come out the other side into hilly country. It’s bright, and again, very green. There is a woman there, and a farm, with horses, some normal sized and some very, very tiny – smaller than fallabellas. I distinctly remember wanting one as a pet.

I had a fragment where I dreamt I had started my period. Wasn’t amused about the fact either. I’m usually not. It’s such an inconvenience!

Then there was the very random fragment where there is some sort of master – like a priest or martial arts master I think, and boats used to visit somewhere and then used as shelter from the weather. There’s a church, a hidden sanctuary that is cavern like in which there are lizards and mini dinsoaurs,surrounded by greenery – probably a tropical jungle and a sparkling throne. There’s a bad person, a woman with a sparkling key token that I need to protect and there are several around on the throne.

I also had a fragment where I took a walk on front like at Blackpool. It’s sunny and there are shops.


Last night I had weird dreams. I was in a hotel like building that was also half church (it looked all church from the outside). I remember that there were a group of people in my dream that my mind identifies as ‘The Dingles’. That is definitely a reference to one of my mum’s favourite soaps – Emmerdale. Anyway, the Dingles win the lottery and buy a mansion that is right behind the church (backing onto it as if the church is attached at the back to the mansion). There was more to the dream, but, as per usual I didn’t write it down in time and have forgotten it all.



I dreamt I was on a bus trip with one of my gaming friends called Zoe. We are on holiday in Malta. There is some danger apparently, I am told to stay with the group – it’s all creamy stones and sunlight. The group go into a church. To get there we pass a power station that is spraying water, steam and creating clouds.



Last night I had weird dreams. I was in a hotel like building that was also half church (it looked all church from the outside). I remember that there were a group of people in my dream that my mind identifies as ‘The Dingles’. That is definitely a reference to one of my mum’s favourite soaps – Emmerdale. Anyway, the Dingles win the lottery and buy a mansion that is right behind the church (backing onto it as if the church is attached at the back to the mansion). There was more to the dream, but, as per usual I didn’t write it down in time and have forgotten it all.


I don’t remember much of my dreams last night, mostly because I forgot to write them don in full as soon as I had woken.  Typical of course, but when you are running late for work, little things like writing down a dream tend to slide down the to do list.
So, in the first I am at a wedding at a church on a hill.  Soeone’s been murdered, and I am a suspect.  Only I don’t know if I did it or not.
The other involved me being on a windy beach with adults and children.  It was definitely more involved than that, but I don’t remember the details.