Tag Archive: grass





I dreamt a friend called richard and I got married, in a very quick, quiet ceremony.  He was very standoffish afterwards and only allowed me to hug him, not allowing me to kiss him, and shrugs me off if I try.  We played a board game in a house.


In another fragment I investigated a pair of deaths in a house.  There was another death at the time, but that wasn’t under my jurisdiction. I found escape holes in the floor that led to the coast, and discovered the murderers.  They had drowned their victims, made it appear like a strangling.  The middle murderer was a cousin who came back to the scene of the crime at the end and was arrested for it when confronted.  The murderer of the two I was investigating was a bitter young woman from the family.


I dreamt I was in a book room with a mezzanine level too.  Outside, I found that Milford Haven had been filled in and grassed over, and archaeologists were doing a dig up near Dale to do with smugglers and ancient galleons.  I fly around in the air for a brief time thanks to the bendy branch of a tree I grab onto (this is not unlike the whomping willow).




I dreamt of walking through a countryside. It’s a grassy avenue, with thick woodland either side, and lots of brambles. I come to a country house, and there is a hill overlooking it. I climb the hill. The house is some sort of hospital or institute, though I don’t go inside. It may even be a manor park. As I come down the hill once I’ve finished whatever it waws I was doing, I come across a pear tree with miniature pear fruits. I eat one, and it’s tasty. I think I will have to come back to egt more when they are riper – v early in the season.

I also have a dream where my rolplay character Bellona, Dave’s character Damian and the NPC Grey are in Georgian times, riding horses through the Irish landscape. They are travelling somewhere, but I’m not sure what for.



Last night I dreamt that there were War of Worlds machines in the city. I had a backpack and there was lots of running away. There were twin blonde girls running away too. We cross a park and a road and are just going across a stream via stepping stones (slippery), but one of the twins hesitates, and is killed. The other twin is devastated and mentally kicks herself for leaving her twin behind. Somehow we end up getting captured.

I see an iron man all solidified and rusted, because it got beaten in a fight (its the old fashioned from the cartoon one not the recent film one with Robert Downey Junior) as we get led away to our emprisonment. Megatron from the transformers film is there and we are prisoners being brought to a tower prison that looks like a set of cubby holes with paradox stairs (we think we are going down when we are actually going up. The lower levels are safer and the women go down there (I’m male in this dream). We are taken to the top and pass a room which has smeagol from LOTR in. We carry on to the top.

We emerge onto a platform. It’s grassy and green and there’s another person there already. There are some sort of shiny black discs, that are crumbly but hard at the same time. Then the dream shifts and I am in a dining room playing games. I have a letter with image of Uncle Peter’s ‘cottage’, complete with an owl – I see it in three settings, in the dark and light and without the huge owl with wings spread next to the chimney.



I had a lot of fragments of dreams, which were quite vivid in themselves, but I didn’t remember much of them when it actually came to waking as per usual. I did remember a few more as I started to write this though.

So the main fragment I woke up remembering was, well, decidedly odd. I have the distinct impression that I was in the middle of some sort of alien invasion, or possibly market research (possibly both – you never know these days). Anyway, I was with a group of people, out in the open, we are rounded up. We are all pretty passive about it, as if it doesn’t matter, or we knew this was coming and planned to go along with it. A bus shows up and we get on it. It takes us somewhere (this is the bit I get the impression of the alien abduction) but I don’t remember much more of this fragment, except the area we were rounded up from was green – grassy with concrete and some scrubby bushes – so possibly an airport?

That sort of shifts and I am walking through a dark tunnel. I come out the other side into hilly country. It’s bright, and again, very green. There is a woman there, and a farm, with horses, some normal sized and some very, very tiny – smaller than fallabellas. I distinctly remember wanting one as a pet.

I had a fragment where I dreamt I had started my period. Wasn’t amused about the fact either. I’m usually not. It’s such an inconvenience!

Then there was the very random fragment where there is some sort of master – like a priest or martial arts master I think, and boats used to visit somewhere and then used as shelter from the weather. There’s a church, a hidden sanctuary that is cavern like in which there are lizards and mini dinsoaurs,surrounded by greenery – probably a tropical jungle and a sparkling throne. There’s a bad person, a woman with a sparkling key token that I need to protect and there are several around on the throne.

I also had a fragment where I took a walk on front like at Blackpool. It’s sunny and there are shops.



Last Night I had a quite bizarre dream. It had two bits (Probably more and I don’t remember it – it wouldn’t surprise me given my dream cycle recently). In the first bit I am at a train station of sorts, and there is this bloke there – he washes the train carriages. He shows me how to do it and takes me on as his apprentice. I remember that in the dream I wipe down a London West Midlands carriage (the dirt comes right off with a damp cloth). Then that train leaves and a Virgin cross country train takes its place and because I took forever cleaning the last carriage, I am left alone and to my own devices to do this one, so of course I end up scrubbing the platform (which is incredibly dirty – it comes up really well), and then I get onto the train to scrub the last bit – and the train sets off! So I head through the carriage, and there are people there, as if it’s any regular train stop, and I want to get off, so am asking when the next stop is, and then hit on the idea of asking the driver, so I head forward. I never get there – the train hits the next stop and I get off. Now I need to find my way back to my place. I end up bumping into Sean Bean – and go all fan girl asking all sorts of stupid questions – mostly about his time playing Sharpe. And he’s really quite good about it. We do this while we are walking along a dirt track which has grassy bits either side, and then I discuss juggling my ‘two’ jobs – my job as an apprentice train washer, and something else.

So, yeah. A bit bizarre. My mum howled with laughter when I told her about it.



I had two dreams last night. The first one wasn’t vey vivid, but centred around me and mum being at a beach – nice sunny day, bit of a breeze and my current foot problem (massive blisters on the back of my ankle where a new pair of shoes rubbed.) So, mum and I are trying on shoes to go into the water with – they are all black shoes or boots, and not all of them are backless – I distinctly remember a mule like pair, a sandle typed pair and a suede ankle boot. I had just put this pair on and had decided that I liked them when I got woken up by Chloe (the cat) heading out the window – using me as a springboard to the window ledge.

The second dream was decidedly more odd. But was also relating to events in real life. In this case, the Bunkfest in Wallingford. I am with a friend who is going to be participating in the festival. She has a flower/vine chain/wreath in her hair and it’s a dark blonde/pale brown colour. She is excited. Then she has to leave – she goes up some stairs into the back I think behind the stage and I go and join a male friend who is waiting for the show to start. We are reserving a table for our group. The tables and chairs are the metal round type used outside café’s. It only has a couple of seats, and the large table is occupied by only two people. I mutter something about getting more chairs for our group, which my companion does, and then our group arrive – it’s very large – there’s nowhere near enough space for all to sit. I give my chair to the Master Harper (of Pern), who is gracious and thanks me with a kiss on my cheek. Some muttering and speculation about our ‘relationship’ arises, though I know there is nothing in it. I was simply giving my seat up to someone senior and respected. It’s getting crowded now, and the music starts up. My mind identifies it as Arcade Fire, but I don’t remember the melody or anything. I sit on the grass to watch. I see my friend head round the stage. There appears to be a cliff right behind it – like the cliff on a beach, only it’s grass we are sitting on – must be an ancient raised beach of some sort XD. Then, after the show finishes we head off to some parade (or it may have been part of the festival. It’s also crowded. We end up as a part of the parade right by the male dancers – who for some reason are doing ‘reverse’ salsa (or moving backwards while doing salsa dancing – and it’s male with male partner too – possibly a gay pride parade? Not sure. There were no rainbows or anything. Then we are at a house and it’s my birthday party. I get presents and there’s a party. I remember thinking I really love this dress (I was wearing a dress I grew out of when I was about 12) and also thinking I looked good in it and should add it to my wardrobe of clothes suitable for work. Then my alarm woke me.



I have had a lot of fragmentary dreams the past few nights but nothing I remembered in any detail when I woke up. I think the only fragment I do remember (other than the ones related to watching Captain Scarlet, is fairly mundane). I am sitting with someone on a grassy green bank near to some sand and it’s sunny. As we talk I am pulling crumbled leaf bits from between my toes.


I didn’t write this one down as soon as I woke, so I have probably lost a fair bit in the telling, as it’s now 5pm.

I was out walking on a dirt track that was an orangey brown colour, rutted and with lots of tussocky grass; I was with a group of people, including a woman who was acting as our guide. I identify her as a friend, possibly Rachel from secondary school. She leads us off into the wilderness, which is very lush and green. I have no memory of why we were going, though I do know we were going there for a specific purpose. What I do remember is that on the way back we were forced onto a different track (only it looked identical to the first) because we sidestepped others coming towards us (including a bike rider) and the track was too narrow to pass abreast.

So on the way back, we end up hiking over a hill – not a high one, but it was definitely an awkward climb, especially as by now we are being followed by a dairy cow. This seems to have appeared at wherever our destination was. Possibly we had to collect it from wherever we were going for some purpose or another. Either way, the slope up didn’t seem all that bad; it seemed to be flat – until we hit the top. The slope down was bad. Steep, rubbly soil and very huge steps and plateaus. It was so bad that the cow couldn’t handle it (something about cows not being able to get down stairs crops to mind here I think).

So everyone is pissed off because we had to leave the cow behind, stuck on this hill. When we get to the bottom of the hill, and a little way along the flat part of the track, we go into this little building/shop. It’s like a shop you would find at an attraction – it was very reminiscent of the shop on the way out of Blenheim Palace in fact. Warm stone, with a paved little courtyard where there is a tiny café, greenery climbing the walls. Comfortable little cast iron white painted chairs and tables – everything. My friend/guide person goes off to the person in charge to moan about the cyclist forcing us off the right track and the fact we had to leave the cow behind. By this time I seem to have picked up an ankle injury, because I am hobbling along like an old maid – not unlike me first thing in a morning when my foot is bad.

Anyway, after this little sojourn into the wilderness of my dreams and back again, the dream shifted. Apparently, either my parents were dead, or my brother and I were taken off them (I think it was the former), because my brother (who was either in the group who went a wandering with a cow, or just appeared out of thin air (funny how that happens in dreams isn’t it?) and I are picked up by foster parents/adoptive parents and taken ‘home’ which is a decidedly odd place. We get in and are shown our rooms. Tom’s room I only have hazy memories of, but looked much like it did when he was about 16 and we lived at Goldburn Close in Preston. My room was also reminiscent of that room (I moved into it after Tom moved out). The only oddities were the colours, dark blues and reds and lots of shadows. But I remember it seemed a nice enough room for all that. I did at the age I lived in that room like bright colours – pastels in blues greens and purples. The colours of the room don’t reflect anything I would go for, even now so either my dream self has different tastes to me, or the ‘foster parents’ decorated it. There must have been a very small window too for all the shadowiness.

I remember that I settled into the room quite well, despite my ankle injury getting worse. I think its night when the weirdest part of the dream happened. I know it’s dark. I need to go to get a glass of water or something, so I leave my room, go down the hallway and down the stairs. The only problem is that |I fall, or my legs won’t carry me all the way down and I crumple to the floor on the landing between floors. There’s a very large tank there. Two in fact. They are slightly steamy and has black soil and lots of greenery. To the right I know there is a large snake, to the left (right in front of my face) is a tank FILLED with baby snakes – only they are see through, and iridescent and so tiny they look like thin worms. There are HUNDREDS of them, though they are quite pretty for all they are worm like. Beyond them I find an adult snake – dead, rotting at either end and knotted in a weird pattern – not unlike driftwood.

My ‘foster father’ comes up and tells me about them and a few other things that I can’t now remember besides as he picks me up and takes me off somewhere – possibly he puts me back into bed and tucks me in. Then the dream shifted.

This next phase of the dream takes place at a hospital. My ankle problem has gotten to the point that it needs an operation. It’s a very odd hospital. I am glad the dream ended before I had the operation. I am with my foster parents and see a doctor, then I get taken to a ward (this is open air, though the weather is quite good. There is a roof/pavilion and it’s not a long ward but a huge square room that has NO privacy and very Edwardian style beds.) I am escorted/carried to my bed in one corner, then my foster parents head off to speak to the doctor. I remember there was something weird going on in the hospital. Maddeningly, I can’t remember past this point. End of dream.


In the first part of my dream I am an observer. There is a boy, he seemed to be in a school or a group of boys and they all slept in some kind of dormitory, only something kept happening when the boy touched another, so he finds his way out of the dormitory and into the top of a tower or inland lighthouse. It’s very bare and sparsely furnished and I am sure that the boy has lightning coming from his fingers which is why he has isolated himself, He has a book with him.

The next part of the dream I am me, I am sitting in my bedroom reading a horse and hound magazine or something similar. I turn the page and it has a voucher, full page spread, telling me that I can buy two horses for £500. Naturally I decide that I want to buy two horses, despite not being able to house them in fields or stable nor really afford to feed them. I convince mum to take me to the place and it’s a muddy field and stables, not really professional, which is probably why the horses are being sold so cheaply. I choose a bay horse that looks cob like, and a lovely little grey pony that is charming and friendly. We take them home back to Goldburn close. I find out that the larger horse has an injured leg. We take him (he’s a gelding) and the other two horses (hunters and clean and well looked after) to a stables, it’s part of the voucher thing that says that the animals will be well (something like an MOT) when they are returned. I have put my pony in my room which is on the third floor of a two story house. I leave it with a pan of water and a bowl of porridge. This is supposed to last the pony for three days while I visit my dad over the weekend.

Mum drives me to a café, where I meet dad and Annie. I don’t remember what we do over this three day weekend, nor what mum was doing, but Dad and Annie drive me home (which is now in a tall block of flats not unlike the blocks at uni – only clad in colours like the front building at work. We are in the car park, which is open and pretty clear, and then we go into the house which is in the tall flats on the fifth floor now, though the layout of the house is the same.

Dad and Annie and I have a coffee/tea and they sit in the lounge and we chat about something inconsequential. They disapprove of something, though I can’t remember what it was now. Then they leave, and I go upstairs to my bedroom to check on the pony. The water is empty, and most of the porridge has been eaten. The pony pricks it’s ears and looks a little tucked up (neglect and not enough food can cause this and there is no doubt that this sort of treatment in real life would have the RSPCA screaming at me – and probably prosecuting me to boot). It looks a touch neglected (which it definitely has been). I take the food bowl and go and wash it up, and plan what I want to do with the horses. I now appear to have four. Then when I look for them in the ‘garden’ I don’t see them. I think they have been stolen for a while, and even contemplate calling the police before I remember that they are at the livery stables (which I don’t appear to have to pay for). I decide that the pony has to have more food, more care and some schooling with the others.

I feed the pony and care for it, as if it wasn’t actually me who had mistreated it. It’s even possible that the pony was nicked, and I found her in the flats. It would explain why I thought my horses were missing from the garden. I go out then and decide that my horses need some schooling. Why this takes me to Tulketh high school. I have no idea why but it does. I meet Ralf (one of my lecturers at uni) on my way there and tell him of my plans for the horses and the future and other general stuff. We don’t talk about geology or volcanology at all.

We are driving along on the way to Tulketh, which looks a lot like the lower Lamphey road near the dial inn to my dream mind, when we see one car scraping past and across another. No one seems to be hurt or anything, but my brain took note of it. Finally we drive up to Tulketh and somehow are out of the car without having parked it. We go round the corner and to the back where the playing fields are. There we split up, and I get lost in a bazaar that my brain identifies as a Libyan wedding.

I wander around the wedding fayre and see loads of exotic stalls selling things like pastries and drinks (which everyone tries and gets you to try in the hopes you will buy as well as stalls selling furniture and fabric and everything else in between. The only thing I don’t see is flowers.

I am not sure whether this last bit is a different dream or tacked onto this dream, but I suddenly decide to take a walk. Its horse related, though I see no horses in it. I have Winnie my landlady’s jack russel with me and we are climbing a terraced mountain that is covered in grass, and fallen autumn leaves and has gravel paths. Winnie is a lot younger than she is in real life and very very excited (which is true to form for Winnie). When we get to the top of the mountain (which my brain identifies as somewhere in the Lake District) we see more rolling green mountains in the distance. Then I woke up.