Tag Archive: twins


I had the weirdest dream last night.  There was a Chinese or Japanese woman, a mother (in the dream my mother) who is chatting to some other adults.  We are in a museum or palace where there are toys or weapons on pedestals.  I play with one pretty silver box (really ornate scroll decoration over it).  I accidentally knock it over after I have finished playing.  I cut my finger on it – it turns out it contains tiny weapons that wouldn’t go amiss in a dolls house.  They fall out of the box.  The mother of my dream tells me to be careful.  There are other children here and they are fascinated with the box and weapons.  We see a secret door in a wall, and realise that the box of ‘weapons’ is a ‘key’ (if you are a accomplished lock picker at least).  The parents move out of the room.  I bow, and then they take the box.  We enter the door.
The door slams shut behind us, plunging us into darkness.  An ‘exit’ light appears lighting up a tunnel.  There are two options.  One option is narrow and poorly carved, and looks the less easy passage, but I feel that this is the safest route to get out, and opt to take it.  The other passage is broad and easy with no steps.  The other kids opt to take that one.  I have a gut feeling that that route isn’t safe, though I have no proof to offer them.  I climb the narrow twisting way and end up in a very opulent lavender and paisley decorated room.  There is the most gorgeous cat in there, cream and brown spots, soft fur and it’s all over me for attention.  I spend some time with the cat, but eventually move on. I come to another opulent room.  It looks very much like the one with the cat which I just left.  In this room there is a beautiful woman.  She’s bound to a chair and gagged in the centre of the room.  She’s very dissatisfied with her lot (who wouldn’t be?).  I have no idea why she’s a prisoner.  Men come in and they stare at her, like hungry wolves, but they don’t touch her in any way, just look.  I leave before anything happens unnoticed by the men, who seem to be captivated under some sort of a spell by the woman.
I carry on walking.  I see my friends over a balcony.  They are in some sort of a mine – lots of flames, lots of attackers.  I fire off my bow (which suddenly appeared out o nowhere or as if I’d had it all along and not realised I had it until that moment. They escape.
I come out of the maze safely. 
The dream shifts
I’m at a bike race with my friends, but my bike is in a terrible state.  In real life the bike has a flat tyre from over wintering, in the dream it’s in a much worse state – falling apart.  I miss the race as someone is helping me fix my tyre.  Joe and Sera are there, but they are racing, so I look after their gear.  There are some golden haired twins who eventually fix my bike, but then I woke up.


I don’t know /where/ my brain came up with this but it was an awesome dream and just a little bit disturbing towards the end.
So in the dream there are two twins on this world, which has suffered some disaster in the distant past. Most of the planet has been devastated and is a desert wasteland. Only around the poles is it still habitable, and there it is lush and green and there are lots of waterfalls and water and rock arches and bridges and caves. The people living here are the survivors of the cataclysm but have no memories of what caused it.
The twins are out exploring on the edge of the wasteland when they are either kidnapped or some other way meet other survivors of the cataclysm these people are mutated but do remember what caused it. They have very wood/rock like skin – a natural defence (or a protective body suit? I couldn’t tell). There was some evil powerful dude (I’m seeing a vague shadowy figure in long dark robes – the usual cliché) who I’m fairly certain is being seen in the girl twin’s dreams or visions, but she doesn’t understand the significance., who was trying to harness some sort of power. It went badly wrong and it took control of him, and damned near killed the planet. These ‘muted’ people are the descendants of whoever stopped the devastation taking the entire planet. But they couldn’t reverse the effects.
They take these twins to their home, which involves quite a long hike, through waterfalls and over rock ledges. At first it’s fine, but then one of the twins starts to ‘mutate’ and goes blind. She doesn’t like this especially as they come to a rock bridges. One of the ‘abductors’ guides her over and pulls her through another waterfall. She eventually gets her sight back, and morphs back into her own form. Apparently this was a test. She’s the one who will be able to reverse the destruction.
I’m not sure how she is convinced of this, but she makes the trip to the epicentre where it all began. It’s in a desert wasteland near to the equator. There are bright powerful lightning flashes coming down some distance away. She knows not to go there, she knows that the lightning is too dangerous. Not only because of natural lightning she’s seen at home, but also, when this lightning hits the ground, a force wave filled with dust sweeps the plain surrounding it. No, where she needs to go is a small cluster of buildings in a deserted village/town.
When she gets there there is a room with some weird cannisters attached to wires, and candles and a lighter that looks mostly broken there are also metal posts around the room. A lightning strike hits, and the dust blows through the room. She didn’t see the flash It worries her. She drops to the ground, thinking the metal posts will take the lightning blast if it chooses to hit the building. She has apparently been told what she needs to do, but the lightning makes things difficult for her. She crawls on her belly between the periodic sinister flashes and rumblings to connect all of the metal bozes and wires together. It’s difficult too – the metal is all magnetised, but she does eventually manage to attach all the wires to the boxes and the boxes to the posts. The room suddenly turns a livid creepy green. It’s dark suddenly too. She scrabbles around and finds the lighter. She lights it up, and wishes she hadn’t. The flame is red and black. She knows she needs to light the candles to complete her mission, and that the lighter is low on fuel. She crawls around low on the ground lighting the candles, some have one wick, one has three as if it’s been squidged together. Then Wentworth my baby bunny started having a go at his treat stick and woke me up.



Last night I dreamt that there were War of Worlds machines in the city. I had a backpack and there was lots of running away. There were twin blonde girls running away too. We cross a park and a road and are just going across a stream via stepping stones (slippery), but one of the twins hesitates, and is killed. The other twin is devastated and mentally kicks herself for leaving her twin behind. Somehow we end up getting captured.

I see an iron man all solidified and rusted, because it got beaten in a fight (its the old fashioned from the cartoon one not the recent film one with Robert Downey Junior) as we get led away to our emprisonment. Megatron from the transformers film is there and we are prisoners being brought to a tower prison that looks like a set of cubby holes with paradox stairs (we think we are going down when we are actually going up. The lower levels are safer and the women go down there (I’m male in this dream). We are taken to the top and pass a room which has smeagol from LOTR in. We carry on to the top.

We emerge onto a platform. It’s grassy and green and there’s another person there already. There are some sort of shiny black discs, that are crumbly but hard at the same time. Then the dream shifts and I am in a dining room playing games. I have a letter with image of Uncle Peter’s ‘cottage’, complete with an owl – I see it in three settings, in the dark and light and without the huge owl with wings spread next to the chimney.


I had several confused dreams last night. Some parts I don’t remember. The most vivid involved me as one part of a set of twins where there was something evil after them. One twin has to be caged (in a cage that’s bars are a rough weave cloth that billows slightly in the breeze while me as the other twin (with the aid of an aunt (she looked Asian as did the other twin) and the mother to trap and kill the evil spirit that is trying to kill us (it’s in the form of a child. I get caught out in a snow storm/blizzard at one point and the evil spirit child appears. I trap it under a tree. It is only after this that I see my twin in the cage – before that I am simply looking at the cage – and the weave of the ‘bars’. After the storm passed, my aunt suggests we had better check that the spirit is still trapped/dead. We return. It’s just a child now – we help the child from under the tree. No idea where the evil spirit went – possibly into the other twin?