Tag Archive: mother

Small amusements

Things you don’t expect to hear in panicked phone calls at 8am:


How do you set a table? does the napkin go on the left or right? what about the plate?!?


I love my mother.


To explain: Mum is a care worker.  She’s just started with a new and very wealthy client who doesn’t tell you if you have done anything wrong, but will moan about it to everyone else.  She doesn’t want to get this job wrong as she likes the client, who is a lovely little old lady.  You should hear some of the horror stories she’s had for me from other jobs.  Haunted and spooky houses, abusive or in the middle of a nervous breakdown bosses, getting asked to roll marijuana cigarettes, police raids!  I seriously need to get her to write a memoir…


I had a fragment of a dream where I dreamt of impressing a golden dragon (a La Dragonriders of Pern).  Her name was Dyong.

In another fragment I dreamt I was in the crystal maze, only it was a Changeling (Changeling the Lost RPG) style, with each of the sections representing the powers of the respective courts.  I faced a fear challenge.  There were rage, passion and grief ones too.  I remember doing origami outside while I waited for others to complete their challenges.  There was one with water.

In another dream I dream that I’m in a boat.  It sinks, a friend and I swim for it.  There’s a pirate boat there too, its sunk by fire.  Only the dreams shifted and I’m sitting on a wall watching it all.  My back is injured, and I’m waiting for my husband.  He is taking a long time.  I get ready to leave and mother tells me off as I’m not worried.

In another dream I remember my friend Kath and time travel.  It’s not very vivid. I do remember the side effects of time travel – people get anoxic and cold.  The most vivid thing I remember is blue lips.

In my final dream fragment I dream of a puppy in my new house.



Well I had a slightly disturbing dream last night…though the dream interpretation book says it all means positive stuff…

In the dream my friend Russ was acting oddly. Eventually he tells us (the L5R players) that he is dying, then he died. We were at the death bed. We saw the body (he looked asleep). It was all very dark, as if it was night. There was a wake, I comforted the figure my head labelled as his mother (I’ve never met her) in a very strange house, very much in the style of the house from Charmed TV series.

The dream diary says it’s all positive,

“To see your friends or relations dead signifies joy or good news”

The other dream I had, after waking up at about 4 in the morning, was about a group of Giraffes in a park. They were eating hay, and the keeper was shovelling the poo away. Some of these giraffes were going to zoos, some were being returned to the wild. It was sunny, then the dream shifted and I was in a car park on a hill with mum, overlooking a lovely lake. We have drinks.


I dreamt that Addison from Private Practice gets kicked out of her flat by her mother Busy, who apparently owns it.  There is no warning, and she has nowhere else to go.  She has nowhere to put her stuff.  She realises she will have to speak to the supervisor at university where she was teaching about accommodation, and after sitting out on the balcony with a martini, she heads there, the dream shifts and I see that Addison is in a Coma in the hospital with all her friends around her, she had an accident on the way.


I dreamt about my character in L5R last night (Legend of the 5 Rings Roll Play Game). My character has just met one of the elemental Maters (who happen to be her bosses). Last night she met Isawa Koiso, EM of Fire, who is now thoroughly screwing my character over unknowingly. My character Sanra’s mother is The EM of Void and as unlike Koiso as is possible. So In the dream Koiso leads my character and a small group of others on an expedition of a small boy’s bedroom (we are tiny in comparison, about half the size of a borrower), we are searching for blue beads (though why a boy would have beads I have no idea, but thats how my sleeping brain works!). I return later at full size, brealign into the house to get more of the beads. I am frightened as I hav never committed a crime before. And there are still people in the huse. I have to creep around very quietly, and hide in a cupboard when the boys mother comes in to tidy. I manage to leave when the mother puts a hair dryer on and can’t hear my movements.


I had the weirdest dream last night.  There was a Chinese or Japanese woman, a mother (in the dream my mother) who is chatting to some other adults.  We are in a museum or palace where there are toys or weapons on pedestals.  I play with one pretty silver box (really ornate scroll decoration over it).  I accidentally knock it over after I have finished playing.  I cut my finger on it – it turns out it contains tiny weapons that wouldn’t go amiss in a dolls house.  They fall out of the box.  The mother of my dream tells me to be careful.  There are other children here and they are fascinated with the box and weapons.  We see a secret door in a wall, and realise that the box of ‘weapons’ is a ‘key’ (if you are a accomplished lock picker at least).  The parents move out of the room.  I bow, and then they take the box.  We enter the door.
The door slams shut behind us, plunging us into darkness.  An ‘exit’ light appears lighting up a tunnel.  There are two options.  One option is narrow and poorly carved, and looks the less easy passage, but I feel that this is the safest route to get out, and opt to take it.  The other passage is broad and easy with no steps.  The other kids opt to take that one.  I have a gut feeling that that route isn’t safe, though I have no proof to offer them.  I climb the narrow twisting way and end up in a very opulent lavender and paisley decorated room.  There is the most gorgeous cat in there, cream and brown spots, soft fur and it’s all over me for attention.  I spend some time with the cat, but eventually move on. I come to another opulent room.  It looks very much like the one with the cat which I just left.  In this room there is a beautiful woman.  She’s bound to a chair and gagged in the centre of the room.  She’s very dissatisfied with her lot (who wouldn’t be?).  I have no idea why she’s a prisoner.  Men come in and they stare at her, like hungry wolves, but they don’t touch her in any way, just look.  I leave before anything happens unnoticed by the men, who seem to be captivated under some sort of a spell by the woman.
I carry on walking.  I see my friends over a balcony.  They are in some sort of a mine – lots of flames, lots of attackers.  I fire off my bow (which suddenly appeared out o nowhere or as if I’d had it all along and not realised I had it until that moment. They escape.
I come out of the maze safely. 
The dream shifts
I’m at a bike race with my friends, but my bike is in a terrible state.  In real life the bike has a flat tyre from over wintering, in the dream it’s in a much worse state – falling apart.  I miss the race as someone is helping me fix my tyre.  Joe and Sera are there, but they are racing, so I look after their gear.  There are some golden haired twins who eventually fix my bike, but then I woke up.


The dram I had last night was unusual, in that I saw things from a disembodied state rather than as one of the people in the dream.  So I was following this Roman centurion or legionary around.  He was at home with family, and a little boy, when he gets orders to go to the aid of a town across the bay of Naples – because Vesuvius is erupting.  So he gathers his cohort of about 30 men and heads off, only the little boy, who I tag as his nephew follows along – and he’s way too young to be with the legionaries – he’s only about ten.  He’s very inquisitive and talkative and the men humour him as if he’s some sort of a mascot.  They are just coming around the base of Vesuvius when the ash starts to fall, along with lapilli and pumice.  They form up, using their shields to protect them.  There’s a bit of narrative (from the little boy’s mother) about the legionary and how he is struggling to cope with the death of his mother.  Thus follows an interesting scene with the marble effigy (life sized) of his mother getting buried in the ash as the men try to protect themselves (the big blocks are falling in the ash).  They are scattered, and the little boy is now cowering behind a stone mile marker.  The men seem to have forgotten him.  It’s all in greeny-purple and grey colours.  I got woken up before the end, which is a shame.  I would have liked to have known the ending.


I had two dreamsvividmurder mystery manbabyargumenthidingstatueexplosionpoliceambulance is called. My male friend and I discuss the situation. Then his team come in. I am a suspect and lie as I am in danger. I have to disappear. He must also disappear, for reasons of his own. The plan is for him to go into the pool and hide with o2 mask of ambulance people it gives him an hour under there. The baby will go with him as it’s dangerous for me to take her with me *(into space?). We use weird balloon droppers for her to survive underwater. The team assembles round the pool. There are bits where I can speak to the guy after I have left for some hotel/villa. In the pool I realise I’m pregnant (how?), And now I have a team protecting me, but it can’t always. then it shifts to the next dream.

There is a little girl and her mother, the girl goes missing and the mother is searching. Another woman comes along, Weird stuff I don’t remember happens. A change of clothes into something very Stepford wives in red and white happens and then she is in the middle of a city. I cant believe how beautiful it is. There is a reunion with the daughter who is unharmed.


I had two dreams last night and the first is /definitely/ plot bunny material. Even if it was a mix of ‘Witch & Wizard’ and ‘Dune’.
There are 3 kids, an elder sister, the middle brother and a younger sister on run from authority. They are searching for their father who was taken away in some raid/attack. They had had a happy life until then at a wonderful estate. There was a sacred pool (the girl has a phial of the water from it – she was there when attack occurred). They escape their prison/correction camp and go out searching (Somehow they have found out where their dad is) All they have is the water phial, food, the clothing on their backs, a map and a few other necessary (key?) things. There is a pink butterfly that the smallest girl can see that is important. It represents their mother who died. It’s very important. It Hasnt been seen for 8 years – the father (Attreides type Leto father with a Gurney Hallek like second) is in the house of enemy (Faradn kid’s life is spared by Attreides type father because of the pink butterfly). The he and the gurney man are in the garden discussing the boy’s fate while he sleeps in a room – looking through window and then the creeper – he starts stripping it from the walls as he discusses with ‘gurney’ what he is going to do to the family – he is being coerced on pain of his kids being killed. He doesn’t know they have escaped. The kids are in a house. It’s not theirs, but they are staying for a bit of rest. The two young are girls in bed, the brother doing something, elder sister is talking with someone when authority arrives. They are told to hide/run. She gets the brother to start getting supplies (food etc). She goes to wake the girls, tells them they need to move on, that there’s danger – pack what they can and find. (at some point they have picked up another little girl). The brother (quietly) and she go to get and pack supplies. They are given some money from ‘friend’ authority in the house they need to get out of. The brother disappears (he’s very good at surveillance) and the young girls have to be hidden – in bathroom somewhere or a cupboard. The eldest sister takes a dangerous path to confuse authority. She looks through all the rooms and decides to set a trail out into corridoor. One door is open and the people in authority are outside. She can’t go that way. She finds a bedroom with two teenagers asleep – (supposedly anyway) one winks at her and indicates under the bed. She hide under there,and the authority leaves when they find nothing.
This is the point to which I remember in the dream, but I could quite easily see the rest fo the story unfolding- the kids make their way home, and join their father, thus enabling him to utterly defy the authority and thus ensure their safety.
Happy ending all round (except for the authority beings/thing)

In the second dream In the second dream there is a young black stallion that I win (I don’t remember how). I keep him in a field behind a pub. I forget about him. I have issues with mum and her new boyfriend called Mike. Then I remember about the young stalllion. I check on him. He’s ok, cold, shivering, but ok. I walk him, take him to a stable. Then we go back to the field. I go to do something, when I come back he’s covered in snow and won’t let me near him. He has now gone a bit wild, so I drop to the floor and make myself less threatening. He comes up to me and I clean off the snow and he’s grateful, wants to play. I take him to stables, into hay and warmth. I leave him there. I come back the next day and take him out. We go out without a lead rope – he’s following me, being coaxed. We end up in a pub. There are footballers all around. I am thinking I need to give him a toy. The footballers throw the ball around and horse gets in on the act. They are impressed and he becomes their mascot.


In last night’s dream I was in some kind of hotel or B&B with a school/work group. (There was a fat guy in it who looks a lot like Biff from work though it had a distinct feel of ‘school’.) There was also a fat woman and a family – two sisters and their mother. One sister was dark haired and is geeky and shy, the other is cheerleader blonde and bitchy with the perfect body. The mother is wearing a devil suit – sexy looking short red dress (with gold hot pants) red tights and golden shoes. She has a devils tail and cute little red horns and shoulder length hair. I can’t see the colour. There is some kind of dancing competition with an organist/pianist and his dwarf/money in the main room. The mother joins in the dancing there while cheerleader girl goes off and geeky girl and I suddenly merge our point of view. For some reason, dotted throughout this dream are a lot of very large yellow spanners (the adjustable type) and also money packets (£1000) hidden around the place to be found by various people. I order a drink (the first two drinks were supposed to be free) but I have to pay. I complain about this and manager comes over to sort it. There is also supposed to be a lecture of sorts in the big main hall before all the dancing gets under way but that never happens. The geeky girl gets upset by her elder sister and retreats to her room in tears. Flinging herself onto the bed (lime green bedspread) she cries – she feels very lonely and upset. She was helped to her room by a porter and it’s suggested (by some guy who suddenly appears out of thin air) that he (the porter) did not find her unattractive. Then my POV splits back to me while the geeky girl mulls this over. I go along the hall to where the elder daughter had locked herself in her room. The door swings open and I see she is partying (hard) with a group of others – there’s lots of loud music and alcohol. The mother meanwhile is off in the main room to do her dancing. I dance with my partner and he finds 2grand in money. We are do a really sexy dance, and I don’t remember much beyond that.