Tag Archive: bed


I dream of a kid on the run called Jason, he looks after me ( I think I’m younger than him). We are being chased by men wearing yellow tags.  I’m not sure what they signified, but they were important.  There is a computer gamer who has the most amazing archery bow with wings.  We hide it, and in need of sleep go into a warehouse.  We aren’t through enough in covering our tracks, and get caught and killed by the ‘yellow tags’. The sister of a friend who found us the hidey hole managed to electrocute one of the men before she dies, but Jason dies in my arms, I close my eyes.  There’s a phone of his.  I keep it and the bow.  I get the impression I escaped – somehow.


In another fragment I receive a set of keys from the solicitors.  I also get a cheque for a couple of grand, and a car from a woman I knew a while back (in the dream not in real life alas – it was a lovely sports car!), and I’m told she would give them to me when she dies, this is a total bolt out of the blue.  I’ve not seen the woman in ages, and she’s just died. 


I dreamt of my bunnies last night too. There was a new one.  I give it treats, and make it a tidy hutch, then take the bunny over to the bed, make myself comfy and stroke it (like I do Wentworth occasionally when he hops up for a cuddle)


The final fragment I had last night had me in a cottage in Lamphey by the (not existant in real life) petrol station at the junction that turns past the church up towards the school.  The cottage has two small rooms, both boarded up.  There are hugs fire places.  If it were tidied up it could be rented out to someone I note. 




I dreamt I was in a hospital and there is a fire.  I remember TV characters from various shows I’m watching or are favourites, and Addison Montgmery (from Private Practice, seemed to be quite upset.  We pull things from the cupboard and start filling water vases full of water and the water pressure is really poor. We have to leave the hospital through another wing of the hospital we can access as the fire is stopping us from leaving as it’s raging below us in our wing.  It’s difficult going to get to the wing as if we are walking through treacle.  Then the dream shifts and I am at my friend Zoe’s flat in bed as if I have stayed the night.  The police are there searching for something (though why I don’t know, as she’s a PCSO herself). We end up playing the game Talisman in a pub.



I had a very vivid dream last night. I lived in a huge house or mansion with mum. The house is burgled while we are in it and we are taken prisoner. I am kidnapped or taken with the burglars. They are wanting all our coffee, and steal all of it (apparently we have sacks of coffee beans in the house). My mother is ill in bed. I’m dragged to a van and driven off. They make the mistake of not tying me up in any way, and I end up stabbing my kidnapper (a young man) repeatedly with a blue pen. He’s drawn all over with blue pen too and has many bruises by the end. I am released at the corner junction where the back bull pub is Preston near the hospital. I return home, mum is still there looking tiny and thin and ill in a huge bed, I take her hand, sitting in the side of the bed and the dream ended.



I dreamt of the Lone wolf (a role play game) campaign I am on last night. In the dream me and my friends characters are travelling towards this place, there is some sort of confrontation. There are bobcats and a dire wolf involved (the dire wolf being the ‘pet’ of sera’s character Willowseed. We stop at an inn. A friend I fancy is there. I’m in bed and he’s in the room talking with another person. Not sure who. I’m being quite physical with him, and he’s very touchy with me, but eventually we end up in an embrace, and sit there on the bed hugging for a while. The bobcats are apparently on the roof after having climbed a tree. Yeah. Random.



I dreamt of a burst water pipe- I was in the bathroom and turning the taps but it’s not the tap bit that spurts water, it’s the base. I panic and go into the main room, but I’m not believed, mum is very blasé about it. I eventually get someone to look at it, and they fix it – sort of any way. There’s still some dripping.
I had another fragment that was a Harry Potter dream. I was in dark in corridors, there was a potion needed, Ron Weasley was there as well as, Ron’s dad -he was hurt in a room that had fireballs, Harry braves the fireballs and gets the potion.
In another fragment I’m with a man and we go into a room, “Ray something he’s doing a presentation, a science thing,” I’m told. It’s all about women and their powers. I negotiate to take over the room as our home. I start arranging furniture when people have gone (there was disapproval that it was I and not my partner doing the negotiating) and decide where the bed will go (bed sofa) and table it was by the window, and say where a wall could be put up but shifted the sofa bed again later. We discuss children and he’s not sure it’s a good idea given the politics, I say something profound about when would it be a good time if you looked only at the politics. We go outside, something about learning Ukrainian or Russian as we are in the country. It’s nice outside – there’s a lake and gardens – like we were in a small basement room of a stately home.


I woke up from a dream where there was a shimmering on the door that could have been water or fire.  I interpreted it as fire.  In the dream I was in my bed looking at the door and I couldn’t move.  May have been half awake and couldn’t move still for a few seconds – scary stuff.


Last night I dreamt that I introduced the bunnies to each other (again) on the bed in my room and that they didn’t fight as they usually do when they get together.
I also had a hunger games related fragment, a reaping I think it was definitely a post aplcalyptic world.  There is an official building, and I am going somewhere – I need a passport or am in the resistance and am preparing to go somewhere – it was a bit fuzzy.


This dream was really trippy. I was in this bed with the Queen (we were apparently having some sort of pyjama party of sorts). We are talking about stuff, and there is a tv on in the background. Then I get talking to Prince Phillip, who shows up. I leave after that and head off to a pub to meet some friends (it’s all old fashioned wood paneling). We come under attack by some thing and I have this card (much like a magic the gathering card) that acts as a shield for myself. There is other magic flying around too. There’s an epic battle going on outside, and we in the pub either want to hide or help. There’s a boy there, I tag him as a nephew. In the crush to get upstairs to join/hide from the battle, we are separated. There’s more magic flying around. My shield has a blue haze to it, the magic a purple haze. In the end we win, and my male friend and I go looking for the boy. He’s hidden in a cupboard, and is quitre dead, though he looks quite peaceful. That’s the last I remember of it.



Last night I had the oddest dream, though it was mostly fun. I dreamt I took my niece to a theme park, that was a mix of Blackpool Pleasure Beach, and Oakwood, in Wales. I identified the place as ‘Disney World’. I get the tickets (there’s some trouble there – the ticket colour correspond to the rides you can go on and Tyler is too young to go on many, so I am not allowed to get any other colour but hers), anyway, we get in and the kids and colleagues all race off.

Then comes the trippy bit. At some point it gets dark (may already have been and it’s now late. I somehow end up in bed with Biff. Both of us are fully clothed, and we are both finding the situation very awkward, given the intimacy of the situation. We talk. I don’t remember what was said, but again – awkward!


I had the weirdest dream with some sexual connotations.  I wonder if it’s as a result of reading that book Goddess of Love?  The main Character – Venus, goddess of love, has a very…in your face way of asking about your love life…in a nice way of course, even in public places.  I found it quite amusing in fact.  Anyway.  Nothing actually happened, but I was in a hotel with a group of men and women.  One of the men is fabulously rich and eccentric.  I am there entertaining for his party.  Naked.  Dancing and serving food & drinks to them while they chat and joke and laugh together.  They arent wearing all that much either.  They are all lounging on some huge bed.  Later they leave and the guy gets out of bed.  There’s a zoom in on my bum (I have an awesome figure in this dream by the way), then HE gets out of the bed (he’s been under the sheets until now).  My god he had a huge penis.  It was the thickness of a wrist.  He walks around the bed and I can’t stop staring at it. But nothing actually happened.  Just the nakeness and the crude jokes of his friends.  He talks to me and then walks past.  He doesn’t even touch me.  It kind of reminded me of Priapus one of the Greek? Roman? Gods.  Though the man was a LOT better behaved than that particular god was in myth.  So yeah, weird.