I dream of a kid on the run called Jason, he looks after me ( I think I’m younger than him). We are being chased by men wearing yellow tags.  I’m not sure what they signified, but they were important.  There is a computer gamer who has the most amazing archery bow with wings.  We hide it, and in need of sleep go into a warehouse.  We aren’t through enough in covering our tracks, and get caught and killed by the ‘yellow tags’. The sister of a friend who found us the hidey hole managed to electrocute one of the men before she dies, but Jason dies in my arms, I close my eyes.  There’s a phone of his.  I keep it and the bow.  I get the impression I escaped – somehow.


In another fragment I receive a set of keys from the solicitors.  I also get a cheque for a couple of grand, and a car from a woman I knew a while back (in the dream not in real life alas – it was a lovely sports car!), and I’m told she would give them to me when she dies, this is a total bolt out of the blue.  I’ve not seen the woman in ages, and she’s just died. 


I dreamt of my bunnies last night too. There was a new one.  I give it treats, and make it a tidy hutch, then take the bunny over to the bed, make myself comfy and stroke it (like I do Wentworth occasionally when he hops up for a cuddle)


The final fragment I had last night had me in a cottage in Lamphey by the (not existant in real life) petrol station at the junction that turns past the church up towards the school.  The cottage has two small rooms, both boarded up.  There are hugs fire places.  If it were tidied up it could be rented out to someone I note.