Tag Archive: swim


I had a fragment of a dream where I dreamt of impressing a golden dragon (a La Dragonriders of Pern).  Her name was Dyong.

In another fragment I dreamt I was in the crystal maze, only it was a Changeling (Changeling the Lost RPG) style, with each of the sections representing the powers of the respective courts.  I faced a fear challenge.  There were rage, passion and grief ones too.  I remember doing origami outside while I waited for others to complete their challenges.  There was one with water.

In another dream I dream that I’m in a boat.  It sinks, a friend and I swim for it.  There’s a pirate boat there too, its sunk by fire.  Only the dreams shifted and I’m sitting on a wall watching it all.  My back is injured, and I’m waiting for my husband.  He is taking a long time.  I get ready to leave and mother tells me off as I’m not worried.

In another dream I remember my friend Kath and time travel.  It’s not very vivid. I do remember the side effects of time travel – people get anoxic and cold.  The most vivid thing I remember is blue lips.

In my final dream fragment I dream of a puppy in my new house.



I dreamt I was milking a goat that was acting more like a cat for some reason. It kept pouncing on its friend and rubbing against things like my friend Joe & Zoe’s cats were doing last night. I remember a plague was spreading from a church, and there was a hysterical traveller girl, and several ‘friends’ going mad, up to and including one that walked all the way to the coast, took off all of their clothes and swimming out to sea to the fresh water/salt water boundary which was a pretty sharp separation like oil and water). This boundary was the edge of the ‘safe to swim’ zone too…and I remember them swinging their body over the edge and draping themselves in the unsafe salt water which was murky and quite choppy compared with the clear tropical calm of the freshwater.


I dreamt I got married to a handsome young man and all my friends were there. The wedding appears to have taken place in a posh hotel.  It may have had a gaming theme (a continuation of the magic the gathering and L5R ruing wedding dress possibly).  When we leave, the cars are lined up and it’s raining, but we don’t get wet.
The dream shifted and I was on the coast.  There was a death (possibly mine) and I am in the water when I ‘wake’  I swim back to the coast.  It’s pretty, there is a lot of silt and mud on one pat of the coast, and round pebbles further along. It’s difficult to get out of the water, but I am decided where I want to get out.  There is a footpath, but I don’t chose to take it.



I dreamt that one of the Gamers in my friends group that I fancy (and wonder of wonders isn’t gay OR already in a relationship) and I were dating (which I really want to do, but am too shy to ask). We go back to his place (which has somehow become a massive mansion in the countryside) where we end up sleeping together. He’s very gentle. Afterwards we lie together and talk, though as per usual in my dreams I can’t remember what about. Later we go for a walk, and end up at a huge Farm shop. Where he disappears or the dream shifted and I didn’t notice. There’s a woman anyway and she’s quite a confident type. There was some blood or something involved with her, I’m not sure if she was injured but the dream was quite fuzzy here, I don’t remember specifics and I end up going to the ladies to wash it off my hands.

Then the dream shifted again, and I dream of some a Lady and a young lady in a setting not unlike Hope Springs in my role play game – It’s post apocalyptic anyway. There is a big shaggy dog, and it’s as big as the horses the two are riding. It had a special name, and had special abilities. There was also a man accompanying them, but he wasn’t a servant or related. I think they shifted planes in the dream, but I woke up because mum was snoring, and being sensible for once actually wrote the dreams down before going back to sleep.

Sensibleness was rewarded by a third dream. I’m on a cruise liner, where the family have bought a house. It’s very ruin down and needs a lot of work doing to it. Mum, dad, Annie, tom, Janine and Tyler – all are there and everyone is getting on just fine too. I go for a swim I the sea with a group of others. There is one scuba tank to share so we can go underwater. One of the swimmers is very nervous, but I love the water, its dark but very clear and I can see a long way. When I come out, I slip on something, slide down to the little on boars swimming pool and nearly knock a waitress carrying a tray of canapes into the pool when I slide past her.


I was reading a book called Grave Mercy, part of the ‘is Fair Assassin’ trilogy.
Naturally I dreamt of the main character and the politicking with the French and the court. That bit was quite fuzzy, mostly as I was stupid enough to think I would remember it all when I got to work. I hadn’t counted on the minibus being /very/ late. There was a bit before that too, I’m swimming, or sailing, and get onto this sort of floating house. I climb the stairs and there is a chef there. He’s baking cakes. I remember seeing all the sparkly sugar decorations you sprinkle on cupcakes and other cakes. I’m helping him before I head into another part of the building and the his fair assassin comes into play.


I had a weird dream last night.  I was on a boat – first class – bottle sorting to prevent binge drinking in first class – Titanic brought it out of the gutter.  Anyway, there is a massive wave – an inhabited buoy with a lad living in it – he is drowned.  Then the dream shifted – all are in the water, we swim for land and end up at this lesson place. There are steps out of the water.  We have to take exams in this hall only it’s more desks on a street than a hall and everyone is wearing Victorian dress



Last night I had two dreams. The first dream was DEFINIELY TV related and would make a pretty great plot bunny with a bit of tweaking. I watched Downton Abbey or at least the first couple of episodes. So in my dream I ended up being the little scullery maid that gets ordered around by everyone and never gets to be upstairs when the family are around/guests are arriving and the staff are lining up to be viewed.

SO I am the maid, and am being ordered around, when suddenly I get told to go get some of the apple wood/black wood smoked something or other – Tom the footman knows where it is. But Tom isn’t around, so I have to go get it myself, and three boys are all teasing me because they are making me think it’s scary in there. So I go into the room – which has a sort of forest and I slowly make my way through. Its quite scary and dark – very few leaves on the trees, and no matter how hard I try I can’t find this apple wood smoked thing. I see a clearing in which there are some odd birds feeding and then round a corner. There is a big pool and a cascade and rocks to either side and I try to climb along the rocks, possibly to search for or to reach whatever it is I am looking for, but I slip. I don’t end up in the water but I do end up looking out over the water, and I see a whirlpool/bubbles area and think that there might be a secret garden or area beyond despite it patently being a complete and utter death trap. So I enter the water and begin to swim. The cook who scolds then comes looking for me wandering why I am taking so long and thinking that if I am slacking I (the maid me will be in for it if I AM found slacking. She sees me in the water. Automatically assumes that I am young and therefore can’t swim (possibly she wasn’t taught until she was much older – or I was thrashing around a bit), she dives straight in, but I am nearing the bubble whirlpool and ‘push’ her away…she disappears anyway. Then an old butler/valet comes searching for me, and seeing me in the water automatically assumes I am in danger (perhaps I was – I don’t know what was in the water, but he probably did). So he rushes in and tries to save me. I am still swimming towards the bubble/whirlpool and ignore his cries of warning – or don’t hear them or something. So he dives in and also tries to rescue me, only by this time my legs are in the bubble whirlpool – which doesn’t feel all that bad to me and he drags me out of it. We make it to the shore with difficulty and collapse into unconciousness on the lake shore. Then the lord of the manner – wandering past the door to the wooded lake room wonders why the door is open or he gets a premonition that something is wrong in there and comes in. He sees me and the old valet on the bank. The butler is closest and when her rolls the guy on his back it’s obvious he is dead – face is leached white, lines and wrinkled grooved deep into his face and eyes (grey blue are wide open. Even so, the lord of the manner checks his pulse and finds none, fearing the worst for me, he moves onto the maid, who is just rousing. He picks her up and carries her out. He has tender feelings for her – she is very childlike (possibly an illegitimate child?) but he takes her out to safety anyway. Then the dream shifted.

IN the shift, I end up at home in Preston obviously my mind is sorting out my recent stay into the memory files). Mum is there, and Willoughby the bunny. We end up getting a load of visitors, who bring their pets around. They all end up in the same hutch as Willoughby – there are at least six rats (I’m a celebrity get me out of here memories?) a guinea pig and possibly another rabbit. Anyway all are scurrying about the hutch and mobbing poor Willoughby. I feel sorry for him and think it would be nice to take him upstairs so he has some space – or into his conservatory room wile the other animals remain in the hutch – I’m a bit fuzzy on that point. I got the impression that the hutch was in the downstairs lounge or possibly that was the guests…anyway, I go to the hutch, and poor Willoughby is being mobbed. There is even a baby fox in there when I look and poor will is looking quite overwhelmed. So I open the door and try to get him out – and that’s where the dream ended.


I had a slightly less weird dream last night.

It began in a classroom.  It was night – It was dark and I could see stars out of the window.  I can’t remember the lessons we were learning, possibly it was astronomy but I am not really all that sure.  There were at least five of us.  Me, Andy from work (who was being a dick as per usual) a girl who seemed to be a friend and a couple of others.  The teacher was a man. Got no other details on him.  He may or may not have ben wearing a tweed suit.  The classroom had an odd familiar feeling to it…like one of the portacabins at my old primary school or something, only it wasn’t a portacabin, it was in an upper floor of this big building.  Anyway, whatever the lesson was, we were all at a hexagonal table.  I don/t remeber the details (why can I never remember the good bits?) I am really upset by Andy.  My friend the girl tries to be a peace maker of sorts, but then he does it again, just as the teacher walks back into the room.  I shout/scream something like ‘I can’t take it any more!’ and ever so maturely (not) stormed out of the class and into the coridoor.  I find a nice little alcove with a wall of smooth, shiny plastic like substance (it was orange) and end up sobbing, my head resting on the plastic.  Noone comes looking for me (not surprising given the hissy fir I threw)  I finish crying and then decide to return to the class and act like nothing had happened.  They act like nothing had happened.  The the teacher tells us that we are going on a field trip to italy.  This suggests to me that the lesson may have been on either volcanology/archaeology/roman history.  We get all excited and leave the classroom.  Then the dream shifts.

We are going into a ferry terminal.  I appear to have won £500 of marks and spencers vouchers and I keep asking how I won them and stuff (but this may be later in the dream, I really want to tell yuou about the incident going /into/ the terminal – so funny.

There is a queue and all my class friends seem to have disappeared inside  there are several ships and only one going to italy, others are going to the balearics, and somewhere south (it appears we are in Wtaly already.  We were in a city that started with a V (Verona?) and the ferry we get oto is also going to a place starting with a V (can’t remember the name now).  SO I am in the queue, and theres a guy in front of me.  The security guards are going through their list of passengers when something happens and he gets arrested.  Apparently he had won a competition to go to the balearics, only the stupid idiot was packing something like two million (pounds?euros? dollars?) worth of coain or other drugs in his suitcase.  ANyway, whatever happens, the woman with the checklis looks at me and gives me his seat (I have therefore won a holiday by default) which I am perfectly happy to go along wiht (who wouldnt?).

I can’t remember what happened between getting into the ferry terminal (which I got a good dream-panoramic view of 9and also a dream birds eye view of) and get onto a ferry.  my schgool friends are there also.  then we realise we are on the /wrong/ boat  and rush to get on the one going to Italy not the place starting wiht a V. It’s too late (for me at least)  I am leaning against the rail when the boat starts out.  School friends have disappeared.  I go inside and eventually we land on an island.

The island (supposedly in the balearics – but actually in the carribean (how did that happen?) was quite sparsely populated and had odd rusty brown and only a little green vegetation.  I end up going off on a cliff walk and it really is at the /very/ edge of the cliffs which have metal bars attached to the edge to stop you falling over.  I am going waay too fast and almost overtop a barrier, then I slow down as I come to a cove with a steep dirt track to get down to it.  I climb down slowly and carefully.  It has the most gorgeous view.  There was also a heather plant (a rare species apparently and I just /had/ to go pick a sample lol) with the most fluorescent purple/pink flowers. It was quite cool.

Then I got down to the beach, went for a swim (gods the current was strong!  had to striuggle to get ashore (by which time I had been joined by some others including a lad who also went swimming wiht me).  The dream ends with us being held prisoner in this concrete…looked like one of those world war two octagonal bunker things that they used to protect/house the anti aircraft guns.  Our jailer comes in, theres some discussion as to the futility of escape, and then theres a view of the boy swimming in the cove -0 andother lad is with him and then the dream faded.


Two dreams last night.

In the first I am in an airplane with zoe from uni, two little girls (twins) that we are trying to explain something geological/geographical to, an older man and mysterious dark and handsome guy. The airplane crash lands as we are describing a rock (with lots of bubbles and vesicles (some par filled with white stuff – the rock is grey and it also has some visible pink feldspars in it) it’s in the shape of the aircraft’;s tail. Anyway it lands in water and promptly begins to sink. We escape as soon as. I am almost the last to leave, but am the first to the surface. We are in a swimming pool. Old guy comes next with the girls and zoe. He is unconcious so I grab his head and pull him to the surface, and roll him onto the ledge on his side. At this point I realise hot mysterious guy isn’t there, and the tail is just going under water. I distinctly remember screaming his name (will) and he finally surfaces very out of breath. I swim up to him and we embrace. Then something happens and we have to escape the room – there are doors (garage typed) that are closing and the water is rising. For some reason this doesn’t bother me. I swim around doing something or looking for something for a while and then when I do get to the door, it has closed. I keep floating about. I distinctly hear someone yelling for me and another person (hot guy) saying ‘she’s gone’ as if I am dead. Then the dream faded and I sort of woke up.

The other dream I remember is a short. Basically IRL dad has sold his yacht. I dreamt that we as a family had bought him a much smaller boat so that he wouldn’t have to give up sailing all together. He and I are walking up a beach to the east Llannion dockyard and up a ramp that looks like hobbes point. There I see dad’s new boat – it’s a large blow up dinghy with a mast. For some reason dad is well made up with this and we are discussing all the places he can sail to around milford haven. Then I woke up again.


I dreamt last night that I was on holiday with dad somewhere hot. This is unsurprising, as mum has recently booked us a holiday to Turkey in May. Anyway. The place we were looked just like Hobbes point, only with a nice bar right at the top of the slope. I, ever conscious of money want to buy something but it is too expensive. I say so, and some of our companions, and then later someone repeats it when asked if they are going on the boat trip to the butterfly valley. The mother of the boy that I told the item was too expensive to looked a lot like Trudi, my friend Amanda’s mum. Then, later dad pulls me aside and tells me to not say things are too expensive in that way he has of sounding so disapproving. Then I go and buy some earrings (tiny little dragonfly studs), and this too gets a rebuke. They cost £5 each earring, but dad tells me that if I am going to buy things, I should buy quality things (ie the expensive stuff). I am not sure what happened after that, but eventually we end up on the Hobbes point again and go swimming in the dark, while others drink in the bar.