
I dreamt that one of the Gamers in my friends group that I fancy (and wonder of wonders isn’t gay OR already in a relationship) and I were dating (which I really want to do, but am too shy to ask). We go back to his place (which has somehow become a massive mansion in the countryside) where we end up sleeping together. He’s very gentle. Afterwards we lie together and talk, though as per usual in my dreams I can’t remember what about. Later we go for a walk, and end up at a huge Farm shop. Where he disappears or the dream shifted and I didn’t notice. There’s a woman anyway and she’s quite a confident type. There was some blood or something involved with her, I’m not sure if she was injured but the dream was quite fuzzy here, I don’t remember specifics and I end up going to the ladies to wash it off my hands.

Then the dream shifted again, and I dream of some a Lady and a young lady in a setting not unlike Hope Springs in my role play game – It’s post apocalyptic anyway. There is a big shaggy dog, and it’s as big as the horses the two are riding. It had a special name, and had special abilities. There was also a man accompanying them, but he wasn’t a servant or related. I think they shifted planes in the dream, but I woke up because mum was snoring, and being sensible for once actually wrote the dreams down before going back to sleep.

Sensibleness was rewarded by a third dream. I’m on a cruise liner, where the family have bought a house. It’s very ruin down and needs a lot of work doing to it. Mum, dad, Annie, tom, Janine and Tyler – all are there and everyone is getting on just fine too. I go for a swim I the sea with a group of others. There is one scuba tank to share so we can go underwater. One of the swimmers is very nervous, but I love the water, its dark but very clear and I can see a long way. When I come out, I slip on something, slide down to the little on boars swimming pool and nearly knock a waitress carrying a tray of canapes into the pool when I slide past her.