Tag Archive: presents


I dreamt of several fragments last night. The first was a plane upside down in a river. Five people escape, but it wasn’t very vivid. I see two patients in a hospital and we talk. That shifted into a hotel. It’s posh, I am eating a meal with friends. There’s a little girl who is acting a waiter. I’m with a guy and a nice young woman. The guy gets shot. Others help him. The girl waiter and the nice young woman care each other.
The dream then shifted into a lounge where McDreamy & Meredith Grey are from Grey’s Anatomy (not surprising, I was watching episodes last night). There are lots of wedding presents and Dreamy is being told to look after her by a brother because she has been through a lot. I see a pink bowl with pretty roses and rose cut outs and a rug she wants to alter that has a geometric shape that looks very meso-american.



I had two dreams last night. The first one wasn’t vey vivid, but centred around me and mum being at a beach – nice sunny day, bit of a breeze and my current foot problem (massive blisters on the back of my ankle where a new pair of shoes rubbed.) So, mum and I are trying on shoes to go into the water with – they are all black shoes or boots, and not all of them are backless – I distinctly remember a mule like pair, a sandle typed pair and a suede ankle boot. I had just put this pair on and had decided that I liked them when I got woken up by Chloe (the cat) heading out the window – using me as a springboard to the window ledge.

The second dream was decidedly more odd. But was also relating to events in real life. In this case, the Bunkfest in Wallingford. I am with a friend who is going to be participating in the festival. She has a flower/vine chain/wreath in her hair and it’s a dark blonde/pale brown colour. She is excited. Then she has to leave – she goes up some stairs into the back I think behind the stage and I go and join a male friend who is waiting for the show to start. We are reserving a table for our group. The tables and chairs are the metal round type used outside café’s. It only has a couple of seats, and the large table is occupied by only two people. I mutter something about getting more chairs for our group, which my companion does, and then our group arrive – it’s very large – there’s nowhere near enough space for all to sit. I give my chair to the Master Harper (of Pern), who is gracious and thanks me with a kiss on my cheek. Some muttering and speculation about our ‘relationship’ arises, though I know there is nothing in it. I was simply giving my seat up to someone senior and respected. It’s getting crowded now, and the music starts up. My mind identifies it as Arcade Fire, but I don’t remember the melody or anything. I sit on the grass to watch. I see my friend head round the stage. There appears to be a cliff right behind it – like the cliff on a beach, only it’s grass we are sitting on – must be an ancient raised beach of some sort XD. Then, after the show finishes we head off to some parade (or it may have been part of the festival. It’s also crowded. We end up as a part of the parade right by the male dancers – who for some reason are doing ‘reverse’ salsa (or moving backwards while doing salsa dancing – and it’s male with male partner too – possibly a gay pride parade? Not sure. There were no rainbows or anything. Then we are at a house and it’s my birthday party. I get presents and there’s a party. I remember thinking I really love this dress (I was wearing a dress I grew out of when I was about 12) and also thinking I looked good in it and should add it to my wardrobe of clothes suitable for work. Then my alarm woke me.