Tag Archive: memory



I dreamt I had been in a car crash. I think that there is something wrong, sop am checked over. There isn’t anything wrong with me. I’m not sure but I think someone was either on, or going on a Greek holiday, or possibly I had just been on it. I am Facebook messaging someone discussing the holiday. I’m not sure what January L5R means from my prompts, probably there was a session playing it or something in my dreams. The next fragment I was in the hospital again, I was in the psychiatric ward (as nurse/observer rather than a patient). They were having some problems up there and there was a distinct shortage of catering staff, and so I end up helping.

In the next snippet I felt like I was drunk. I wasn’t drunk in the dram in reality, but I did have memory issues. I kept having to have things repeated to me.

In the final fragment, I am at Keele university. I’m staying in a hotel, it’s a bit run down. I remember that I was working there, possibly as a reporter, certainly it was being filmed for a TV show. It was part of a saga, and nearing the end of it. There were mages involved. I don’t remember the details, which is a shame, it may have made an awesome TV show.



Last night’s dream was just plain bizarre.  It basically picked bits from my memory of things I had watched/read/done in the past week and mashed them together.  There were people playing the magic game, which some how could create a  Lazarus spell for Doctor Who to be cast on the ides of something.  It must have shifted at some point because the next thing I know some dude called Aster’s son has lost his father’s will.   In his stables was a horse who gives birth but the owner (aster) dies and so the horse has to go. It’s a difficult birth too.  I then slipped into part of the book I am reading where the girl’s been cryogenically frozen and wakes on the generation ship before it reaches it’s destination.



It was a fairly humdrum dream based off past memory. I am going to college. I have a geology lesson with Mike (Mike Gosling taught me at college). He’s testing us – after a long absence. He has one of the lads from uni – John Jervis to supervise us. I have a drink and it’s largely froth in the hot chocolate. After the test I chat with Mike about the future and plan to become his assistant so when he retires I can take over



Last night I had two dreams.

I watched the Film Street Dance in 3D yesterday, along with the Prince of Persia (which was actually really good. Jake Gyllenhall doesn’t look half so sappy with a beard). Anyway, rather inevitably, I had a dream that was film related. In this case to Street Dance. I don’t remember much of the details except I was a part of a ‘crew’.

The second dream was much more vivid. It starts with me leaving the street dance crew and going sunbathing in a really green park/garden place. I was with my family and we were doing a lot of house improvements to this building. At some points it had a feel of Nannie’s house before the upstairs conversion and at other’s was totally unfamiliar (yet was familiar to me in the dream). There are several downstairs rooms, one of which has been stripped out and has an air conditioning unit that is disgustingly dirty and full of /really/ gloopy, murky water. It needs to be removed and the unit cleaned. Even in the dream I find this gross and would rather not. I have to anyway. I help mum and some bloke with it. It really is quite disgusting and am glad you can’t smell in dreams. I also think that the room was semi submerged in the ground, as the windows were up high (it was bright outside and green) and cool inside and I knew it would smell of wet plaster. There were rags and things in one corner/along the window wall. After moving the basin of dirty water into another room with a sink across the hallway and tipping out the dirty water I go back into the room. In there I find a small chunky mouse creature, it was large for a mouse, had no tail (did have the ears and snout) and rather resembled a overgrown dark brown coloured Hamster, only I /know/ in the dream that it was a mouse. I watch it scuttle around for a bit before catching it. It appears to be quite a tame little thing. I give it a cute little name, that has slipped my memory. I take it out of the room with me and my brother is all ‘you aren’t going to keep it?’ and I respond in kind that of course I am. I am fairly certain I get told to keep it out of the way. All through this I have hold of it behind it’s front legs and she is lying very quiet and calm on my arm where I am holding her. I decide to take her upstairs upstairs to my room (it looks a bit like the upstairs room that was at nannies before the upstairs got converted. It, like the rest of the house is not yet done and there are doors up there that weren’t there in real life, there is also a very open view of the back garden/green. I can climb down to it if I want instead of using the internal stairs I climbed up (they are inside only because the side wall covers them, they start outside at the bottom of the staircase. Anyway, there are all these extra doors and as I turn away from the view of the back garden/green I see one that is partly open. I decide to explore and realise the house has an extra room – only it’s in a /really/ weird place. The room turns out to be a cow byre, with metal items and old straw scattered all over, white washed walls etc…I go downstairs to tell my mum about it (I think – it’s a bit fuzzy here) and then go back, only the cow byre has changed into a plainly decorated white room which opens out into someone else’s lounge. The house is suddenly split down the middle (the apex of the roof being the dividing line). There are a couple in their lounge and they draw me in and have a good natter and point out where the wall should be (they have extended into our bit) then the dream shifts and I am on the green outside the back garden (lots of grass and snaking paths and houses dotted about it. There appear to be a large variety of dogs attached to various houses. I am out there waiting for my brother Tom, his (now ex-)partner and my niece Tyler Lou to make a visit. They arrive with their little dog and my mouse suddenly runs away from Ollie their little fluffy dog. Then the dream ended.


I didn’t write this one down as soon as I woke, so I have probably lost a fair bit in the telling, as it’s now 5pm.

I was out walking on a dirt track that was an orangey brown colour, rutted and with lots of tussocky grass; I was with a group of people, including a woman who was acting as our guide. I identify her as a friend, possibly Rachel from secondary school. She leads us off into the wilderness, which is very lush and green. I have no memory of why we were going, though I do know we were going there for a specific purpose. What I do remember is that on the way back we were forced onto a different track (only it looked identical to the first) because we sidestepped others coming towards us (including a bike rider) and the track was too narrow to pass abreast.

So on the way back, we end up hiking over a hill – not a high one, but it was definitely an awkward climb, especially as by now we are being followed by a dairy cow. This seems to have appeared at wherever our destination was. Possibly we had to collect it from wherever we were going for some purpose or another. Either way, the slope up didn’t seem all that bad; it seemed to be flat – until we hit the top. The slope down was bad. Steep, rubbly soil and very huge steps and plateaus. It was so bad that the cow couldn’t handle it (something about cows not being able to get down stairs crops to mind here I think).

So everyone is pissed off because we had to leave the cow behind, stuck on this hill. When we get to the bottom of the hill, and a little way along the flat part of the track, we go into this little building/shop. It’s like a shop you would find at an attraction – it was very reminiscent of the shop on the way out of Blenheim Palace in fact. Warm stone, with a paved little courtyard where there is a tiny café, greenery climbing the walls. Comfortable little cast iron white painted chairs and tables – everything. My friend/guide person goes off to the person in charge to moan about the cyclist forcing us off the right track and the fact we had to leave the cow behind. By this time I seem to have picked up an ankle injury, because I am hobbling along like an old maid – not unlike me first thing in a morning when my foot is bad.

Anyway, after this little sojourn into the wilderness of my dreams and back again, the dream shifted. Apparently, either my parents were dead, or my brother and I were taken off them (I think it was the former), because my brother (who was either in the group who went a wandering with a cow, or just appeared out of thin air (funny how that happens in dreams isn’t it?) and I are picked up by foster parents/adoptive parents and taken ‘home’ which is a decidedly odd place. We get in and are shown our rooms. Tom’s room I only have hazy memories of, but looked much like it did when he was about 16 and we lived at Goldburn Close in Preston. My room was also reminiscent of that room (I moved into it after Tom moved out). The only oddities were the colours, dark blues and reds and lots of shadows. But I remember it seemed a nice enough room for all that. I did at the age I lived in that room like bright colours – pastels in blues greens and purples. The colours of the room don’t reflect anything I would go for, even now so either my dream self has different tastes to me, or the ‘foster parents’ decorated it. There must have been a very small window too for all the shadowiness.

I remember that I settled into the room quite well, despite my ankle injury getting worse. I think its night when the weirdest part of the dream happened. I know it’s dark. I need to go to get a glass of water or something, so I leave my room, go down the hallway and down the stairs. The only problem is that |I fall, or my legs won’t carry me all the way down and I crumple to the floor on the landing between floors. There’s a very large tank there. Two in fact. They are slightly steamy and has black soil and lots of greenery. To the right I know there is a large snake, to the left (right in front of my face) is a tank FILLED with baby snakes – only they are see through, and iridescent and so tiny they look like thin worms. There are HUNDREDS of them, though they are quite pretty for all they are worm like. Beyond them I find an adult snake – dead, rotting at either end and knotted in a weird pattern – not unlike driftwood.

My ‘foster father’ comes up and tells me about them and a few other things that I can’t now remember besides as he picks me up and takes me off somewhere – possibly he puts me back into bed and tucks me in. Then the dream shifted.

This next phase of the dream takes place at a hospital. My ankle problem has gotten to the point that it needs an operation. It’s a very odd hospital. I am glad the dream ended before I had the operation. I am with my foster parents and see a doctor, then I get taken to a ward (this is open air, though the weather is quite good. There is a roof/pavilion and it’s not a long ward but a huge square room that has NO privacy and very Edwardian style beds.) I am escorted/carried to my bed in one corner, then my foster parents head off to speak to the doctor. I remember there was something weird going on in the hospital. Maddeningly, I can’t remember past this point. End of dream.


I am out on a geology field trip in this dream. We are walking through woods that are wintery and tunnel like to get to our hotel on the coast. It’s all greens, greys and brown dirt. We end up on the coast near to a hotel and beach with a small jetty. As I walk along I find items with various colours. One or two I find on the tunnel like forest track. On the beach I find minerals and rocks of value in a rainbow of colours – red yellow orange green blue purple brown black white ochre. They are all semi precious stones (except the ochre which is a crumbling lump of clay on the sand) Then I return to the hotel where the class is. We all think the food is just awful (though the décor is odd – its like an old English tea room with cast iron tables and chairs). The awful food is a throwback memory to my last field course – the geophysics one in the Lake District. We stayed at a field Studies Council site, and they largely catered for primary school kids and not fully grown adults, so there was never enough to eat.

I had a second dream that night which revolved around chinchillas. Specifically my old pet chinchilla Twiggy. She was free to run around the house and outdoors. Only outdoors turns out to be a fairly rural area of grass, trees, fences and such right next to a road. Another chinchilla is also running around. I ‘know’ it’s male. Sadly he gets run over and twiggy runs up a tree. Then she makes friends with Mosh – my landladies ginger tom cat. The dream faded there.

Hello world!

 Welcome to A Dreamer’s Blog! 

This is a blog that will be about the dreams I have had. I hope it will serve as a reminder for me, and as entertainment value for you who read this blog. Over the years I have had some very odd, and very vivid dreams. After a series of very vivid ones in 2007, I decided that I wanted to start keeping a record of them. I am not a natural diarist, I don’t generally have the time to write my daily doings (which would in any case make for very boring reading) except for when I am on holiday or some special event has happened that I don’t want to forget – as I frequently tend to do. I am never very good at remembering specific dates, though I can remember the events well enough for the most part. So that was part of the reason to write down the dreams. I wanted to remember them, and know when I had had them. The second reason I started recording my dreams was for the entertainment value. I do love to re-read and remember them, no matter ho odd they may be. The third reason for recording them is that I often have found inspiration for plot lines – my friends and I call them plot-bunnies.- from my dreams. As you will discover, some of the dreams could become halfway decent stories (given a bit of massage to make things more realistic, or to add to the plot to make a decent story.)

So, enough of the nattering, on to the dreams!