Tag Archive: colleagues



I dreamt about my brother telling me about his ‘new’ girlfriend, he was wanting me to take notes about her, as if the relationship was really serious and he wanted me to know all the information…he also suggested that I was the first to know about his relationship with this girl.

There was another fragment where I was sitting in the work lab (the downstairs classification lab, which was remarkably empty of ‘stuff’) and which had surprisingly acquired an entire frosted glass wall you could use to ‘write’ these notes on, while all my work friends and colleagues in the lab sat around with their backs to the like we were having a party.


I slept heavily and woke up in the night si I forgot the dream I had before, but I do remember some of what I dreamt last night. I was on the coast, the rocks were a creamy yellow and grandma’s house (only it didn’t look like it I only ‘knew’ it was) was built against and into the cliff. Dad and I are doing some exploring along he coast. He finds some interesting algae or something for gathering, so I go down to him scrambling down the rocky incline and onto the little gulley beach. It’s a rocky beach and some of my work colleagues are relaxing in the sun or in the water. I find a piece of slate with giant fossil radiolarian in them. It’s almost like it’s been scratched on the surface – very pretty with the swirly green background. I show it to dad and we both think it would look awesome framed. I go out of the water to make a coffee, forget go back in to help with something.and get ribbed about it, then Annie shows up and I eye her fyudge, and she tells me jokingly to keep my hands off ‘you had the opportunity to get your own at the shop’


Last night I dreamed I was making a visit to dad – who is out when I get there.  Annie and I chat while we wait.  He arrives in the dark, we go and visit work, which has a market square outside now and the warehouse has toys etc in it.  Dad liked the dragon model in particular.  The wander round at work is with Colleen Kelley and Charles Bloore and Alana Rumble.  Grandma is with us and at first I think she’s gone into the warehouse racking – but it’s Colleen and Charles (without PPE). We go around the effective stress area, only all of the cells are being cleaned (apparently they are very rusty and are being cleaned by a company brought in for the job – the brushes are dark, rusty, mucky) then we go out of the lab.
There was another but I can’t remember it.



I had two dreams last night, both of them work related. The first was set at my current work place. I had been processing data in the office and for some reason I go out into the effective stress lab. There’s a crowd of people around the sample preparation bench. Andy is preparing one of the samples in the normal manner and there is a big block of soil (looks like the modeling clay straight from the bag with its edges trimmed off). Michael comes up with a tray of drinks (tea coffee etc) and puts it down on the workspace just in front of the big clay specimen. Andy promptly starts to tell Michael off for being so careless – he could have disturbed the sample (even though it really doesn’t look all that delicate to me). Phil and Nick meanwhile are preparing another sample on the floor of all places. Nick is doing the trimming on his knees (and he is behind the bench so I can’t see him from my perspective) while Phil stands over him, directing/watching what he is doing and making suggestions. The Roger walks out of his office on the way to the advanced lab for some reason, and I ask him what the test is about (as I have never seen a test on such a weird (and large) specimen.). Roger explains it to me very convincingly (I can even hear his tone of voice in the dream) and then goes off to do whatever he was going to do (he is holding onto some papers) while my response was, “Huh”.

The second dream was based in Preston and centered around my old job of care assistant. For some reason I was up in Preston (probably visiting mum as per my usual reason for being up there) and Apex has convinced me to do a shift (they must have been utterly desperate). So I have gone to this place (it looks like it’s where nanny’s old care home is sited – and we are going into a house that is what I would call the ‘gatehouse’ that is to the side of it to an assisted living accommodation. I have gotten a lift or am driving a car very much like mum’s and I have Chloe the cat with me. No idea why I had brought her up north with me. Anyway, mum turns up and she has Will (her house rabbit) with her (hutch and all). We therefore decide to introduce them. Interesting thing about it. It isn’t Chloe (who has proved herself a cold hard killer of all things rodent and avian) who attacked. Will bit her on the nose! She kept wanting to make friends, and he kept attacking her. Then I notice how odd the weather is getting. There has been a storm building for a while with dark grey clouds and wind etc…now I notice that there’s what looks like the funnel of a twister coming down from the clouds . It is BIG and very threatening looking and I can still /see/ the twisting vortex of the water vapour in the twisting wind. It keeps trying to set down, but never quite reaches the ground. But the clouds above are getting ever blacker and there are some curious black sparkles in it that I /think/ are stars – as if the storm is peeling back the atmosphere and revealing the utter black of space, punctuated by the stars (either that or it was dead black cloud (I mean it was so black it could have been sapping the light from the surroundings) with tiny lightning globs at random points. I keep thinking it would be a good idea to get in the car – or in the building, but the sight is really mesmerizing…and then I got woke up by Chloe using me as a springboard.



I had a weird dream last night. I was in a hotel near the sea with Rheo and Gareth from work. I don’t know why we were there. Anyway Gareth is getting ready for something. Rheo is in front of a mirror also getting ready. I am apparently at leisure and am fiddling around with something. I suddenly realise that one of my top teeth (the top left front one) is wobbly. I start playing with it – wobbling it around (it’s VERY loose), pulling it out and then putting it back in again. I keep thinking I need to go and visit a dentist about it. Gareth goes off to whatever he is going to I sit and chat with Rheo while she fiddles with her hair in the mirror. She is wearing a red top and the red flower she has in her hair occasionally. I am playing with my teeth with my tongue all the while and more of my teeth are getting loose. I don’t remember the ending.