Tag Archive: dentist



I know I had a long contigious dream last night, but I only remember sections – like the bit where Roger (my boss) is a dentist, and I don’t want to see him for said reason, despite the fact he clearly isn’t my boss in the dream. I was in a building then, with windows and Roger was sitting in a glass office, the other fragment is related to a treasure hunt and a quality street tin full of life savings (probably related to an article I read in the metro yesterday about this old pensioner who had a considerable amount nicked). I was outside on some sort of grassy area with that.

I dreamed the night before too, but all I was left with was the impression of greenness



I had a weird dream last night. I was in a hotel near the sea with Rheo and Gareth from work. I don’t know why we were there. Anyway Gareth is getting ready for something. Rheo is in front of a mirror also getting ready. I am apparently at leisure and am fiddling around with something. I suddenly realise that one of my top teeth (the top left front one) is wobbly. I start playing with it – wobbling it around (it’s VERY loose), pulling it out and then putting it back in again. I keep thinking I need to go and visit a dentist about it. Gareth goes off to whatever he is going to I sit and chat with Rheo while she fiddles with her hair in the mirror. She is wearing a red top and the red flower she has in her hair occasionally. I am playing with my teeth with my tongue all the while and more of my teeth are getting loose. I don’t remember the ending.