Tag Archive: windows


I had a Grey’s Anatomy related dream, probably because I’ve been watching Greys anatomy recently. I was having a medical exam. I sit down to have the test done. I see dirty toilets and then I see Callie with a patient. Yang is assisting her. There is a spinal injury and lots of blood.
Then the dream shifted. I was in a sweet factory with glass windows (they are solid and made of sugar). I am there on trial. Gareth from work is there. I make mint sweets, handmade with red pieces, twisted and cut, turned half way and cut again. I also make a large fish and several small ones. When the boss comes to check on me they are pleased by my process. We talk of the company while everyone goes on break. There are lots of cakes. There is an attempt to make a cake on a spinning stand. Then the dream shifts again and I am persuing someone in a fly-drive car, but that bit isn’t very vivid.


A slightly erotic dream.  There was a man trying to pull the bed covers off me, and I’m holding them to me.  but it was only a snippet.  Then the dream shifted and I was at Joe & Sera’s new place and I was looking for my own place. There is a nice flat above a shop in a town square where there is a tree.  I climb the tree in the middle of the square.  I can see the lounge through the windows, and it’s really nice.  I’m rocking back and forward o the branch I sit on and then the dream faded.



I dreamt I was at work. The outside wall in the classifications lab, which has the emergency exit in it and looks over the football pitch was made of frosted glass rather than brick and tiny windows. The lab looked clean and ultra modern. Andy, one of my colleagues was writing on the frosted glass in white pen. It appear that he has been doing this more and more often as a result of his job of auditor


Last night I had a very vivid dream that was related to the Hunger Games.  We are in the training centre.  I’m struggling with something or want somewhere completely private to practice so one of the games makers takes me off.  We get into a lift and I am taken to a previously unknown level.
This was the quarters of the district 13 tributes.  He says, and leaves me.  The room is pretty much empty except for windows, cream walls and some basic furniture and stuff that was left behind including papers and books.  I am drawn to these, as I am not stupid and realise that district 13 was supposedly wiped out BEFORE the hunger games were started.
This leads me to wonder if the games had been happening before the rebellion, I take the paperwork to one of the beds, recline and begin to read.  A woman comes in to check on me, pauses at the doorway and then leave again.  I hide the lose paperwork and throw some of the books to the floor in case she comes back for the paperwork. She does and she doesn’t get the bits that she wants, but she’s not sure what she’s supposed to be getting so she doesn’t know. 
I soon realise that this training room is haunted – a girl comes as I begin to practice, I’m struggling with getting my hair tied back. I try on various elaborate clips – one making me look like I’m wearing a huge head dress, and eventually settle on a smaller clip.  The dream gets fuzzy after this, but I am pretty certain there is an open window and snow blowing in, and the banishing of the ghosts of district 13.
I’m pretty certain there was also a fragment where I see some tiny chickens that are the bi product of the breeding of two different types of chicken.  The chickens are tiny – about the size of a guinea pig, I pick one up, and they are quite docile.  I think ‘this is the type I want in my garden.’  but that’s all I remember.



I know I had a long contigious dream last night, but I only remember sections – like the bit where Roger (my boss) is a dentist, and I don’t want to see him for said reason, despite the fact he clearly isn’t my boss in the dream. I was in a building then, with windows and Roger was sitting in a glass office, the other fragment is related to a treasure hunt and a quality street tin full of life savings (probably related to an article I read in the metro yesterday about this old pensioner who had a considerable amount nicked). I was outside on some sort of grassy area with that.

I dreamed the night before too, but all I was left with was the impression of greenness