Tag Archive: empty



I dreamt I was a Malkavian at school. I was doing some sort of an exam. We were all sitting in tight rows in a huge hall. I find my seat, there are two empty either side of me. The exam it to both explain how to do the assessment to younger students and perform an assessment on some sort of jelly lollies. There were three. One was raspberry, one was blackcurrant and one was lemon. For some reason the assessment sheet resembled the Particle Density test sheet from at work. I explain to the student next to me, only by now there are more students that I have to explain to, than I should have to, there should only be one student ether side, there are at least three to my left. I show them anyway, but one student’s paperwork hid my lollies, and I end up taking a bit out of the student opposite me’s lemon lolly. I apologised.

Then after I had completed the assessment, I walked away through the hall (huge chalk board at the front) and out the door. I become absolutely fascinated by the door and all the many many locks it has (there are at least 7 ranged up and down the door and each one is different). I realise the exam hall is in a huge mediaeval castle from the door and the door frame (it’s stone). I go back into the exam hall, only I’m now confused and twitchy and nervous and jumpy. I have no idea where I am supposed to be sitting. There’s a nice lad (I recognise the face from a guy at work, though I don’t know his name). He shows me where I am supposed to be, and everyone is very nice. I have a wildlife and hunting exam. It’s outside (yet still IN the hall somehow, unless I left the hall without realising). The exam is on the ground, with rough dirt. There are robots simulating a herd of grazers and a pack of predators in water. A predator grabs a herder, and drags it into the water. I look around and see a pond and another group of students. There’s one to one side, fishing in the pond which has lily pads in, is concrete and high back walls.


Last night I had a very vivid dream that was related to the Hunger Games.  We are in the training centre.  I’m struggling with something or want somewhere completely private to practice so one of the games makers takes me off.  We get into a lift and I am taken to a previously unknown level.
This was the quarters of the district 13 tributes.  He says, and leaves me.  The room is pretty much empty except for windows, cream walls and some basic furniture and stuff that was left behind including papers and books.  I am drawn to these, as I am not stupid and realise that district 13 was supposedly wiped out BEFORE the hunger games were started.
This leads me to wonder if the games had been happening before the rebellion, I take the paperwork to one of the beds, recline and begin to read.  A woman comes in to check on me, pauses at the doorway and then leave again.  I hide the lose paperwork and throw some of the books to the floor in case she comes back for the paperwork. She does and she doesn’t get the bits that she wants, but she’s not sure what she’s supposed to be getting so she doesn’t know. 
I soon realise that this training room is haunted – a girl comes as I begin to practice, I’m struggling with getting my hair tied back. I try on various elaborate clips – one making me look like I’m wearing a huge head dress, and eventually settle on a smaller clip.  The dream gets fuzzy after this, but I am pretty certain there is an open window and snow blowing in, and the banishing of the ghosts of district 13.
I’m pretty certain there was also a fragment where I see some tiny chickens that are the bi product of the breeding of two different types of chicken.  The chickens are tiny – about the size of a guinea pig, I pick one up, and they are quite docile.  I think ‘this is the type I want in my garden.’  but that’s all I remember.


I did dream last night, but I don’t remember it beyond knowing it was another emotionally heavy one. 

ETA:  I was v. tired last night and had a really early night and of course had dreams – several of them. I woke up between the first and second, noted down the details (and saw that it was before midnight so it technically belongs here)  I did that because I just /knew/ I would forget it by morning.  Good thing I did.  I had three dreams and woke between each and you just forget the early ones when you wake up in the middle of the night.

So, onto the dream:

It was dark, and there was a lot of greenery around, a sickly colour of green – like slime all yellowy green or brown green.  I was wandering around and also around a building (not sure why I was there or what I was doing…I didn’t note that down :(

Anyway, I finally go into this house with no doors or windows.  it’s completely bare  – no paint or wallpaper on the walls, no furniture – nothing, but there is no decay or anything – it looks new.  I wander around andf then find my way into one room.  it’s sort of a private community room that anyone can use and it’s empty.  There is however a TV in the wall and wooden benches (fresh unvarnished wood) – this is the first furniture I come across though the rest of the room is bare.  I turn the TV on and begin to watch.  I /think/ it was a disney film or something – it was lots of bright colours – blues and yellows etc…I kept thinking that someone would come in and disturb me, but noone did.  Then I woke up and noted the dream down.