Tag Archive: fish



I don’t remember much of this dream. I was in a house or hotel which had hidden rooms. There was a creepy guy, a small item of significance, though I don’t remember what it was. I stand outside, and I can see the front and the plan of the drive, with a gate, curving dirt road and gate. There is a series of pools with fish in, and a rocky walk. There were seals or some form of stamp in the stones on the floor


I dreamt that a friend had Brain damage, and infection in the brain and that they needed brain surgery.  I see the brain surgeon open up the head by slicing off the top of the head, skull and brain included.  Inside it’s green and cabbagey.  The surgeon mentions the word Hemispherectomy (I definitely got that from a Grey’s Anatomy episode and other elements work their way in too).  We thought the whole thing would be a minor procedure, but the friend looses a lung anyway.  Yang & Burke were in the hospital but go out to a beach to collect fish and shells and other things.  Yang has a problem with the water, they end up rock climbing as the sea water is rising and cutting them off from the rest of the coast.  They walk up the coast path onto a road to get away from the rising water and a car overtakes them.


Then the dream shifted and I was in a ship’s engine room, there is an emergency, flooding and people try to escape.  We end up climbing a ladder to a hatch and then my friend Sam, who in one of our roll play games /play’s a very very good engineer trys to fix the problem.  I can see a time clock ticking and then a shout to be heard, and realise everything has been made safe.

Then the dream shifted again, I’m in a hotel, there is a pool and swimming lessons are going on at one end.  The hotel has a buffet and there are scotch eggs and cake.  I’ve a scotch egg in one hand, a piece of cake in another.  Mum is with me and is complaining she can’t use the pool because of the students.


I had a Grey’s Anatomy related dream, probably because I’ve been watching Greys anatomy recently. I was having a medical exam. I sit down to have the test done. I see dirty toilets and then I see Callie with a patient. Yang is assisting her. There is a spinal injury and lots of blood.
Then the dream shifted. I was in a sweet factory with glass windows (they are solid and made of sugar). I am there on trial. Gareth from work is there. I make mint sweets, handmade with red pieces, twisted and cut, turned half way and cut again. I also make a large fish and several small ones. When the boss comes to check on me they are pleased by my process. We talk of the company while everyone goes on break. There are lots of cakes. There is an attempt to make a cake on a spinning stand. Then the dream shifts again and I am persuing someone in a fly-drive car, but that bit isn’t very vivid.


I had an odd dream last night.  In it I was either school age or just left and I had a friend, Amanda who had gone somewhere, leaving her boyfriend without a word.  I was close to him throughout her being missing, convincing him to go on a date with a girl called Rachel before she swans back into our lives and picks up where she has left off, only he doesn’t see it like that, and sees me for what I am – caring loving and always there for him.  So he’s two timing her with me – sort of.  She finds out just as we need some entertainment for this really important meeting thing, and I have to ask her,  really difficult as you can imagine.  Send her a not asking her to meet me behind this place in the woods where we went often as kids with our friends. Am going to ask if she’s willing to ‘share’ – not on a sexual level.  I just want the occasional cuddle.  And I wander through the groups of people on break, past that area and over the hill to the marina, where me and others see this old dude pulling his catch of manta rays onto the shore.  We ask him how to cook them, and he shows us.  It’s almost a case of slice, cook, peel eat. And very few bones, very little flesh too – it’s almost all stuck to the ‘big’ ribs.


I quite enjoyed my dream last night. It felt like I was on holiday :D
I was in Paris, with a group of people, including Gareth and Roger (the boss). We were walking along the streets and shopping and chatting, and then we head down to the beach, which is rocky and chalky and just FULL of fossils. It wasn’t much of a sea I could see across the ‘channel’ the white chalk cliffs /quite/ clearly, and also the reddish soil. I know that there were echinoids, and corals (they looked like they were made of a opaque beige quill like material. Gareth was taking a lot of photos (he is in RL a very good photographer). There was also another creature, looking not unlike a mix between a spider, a lobster and a squid. It /did/ have a name, but I don’t remember what it was. This creature was at home in strange clear balls of goo, and I did see one outside of the goo pierce it with sharp ‘claws’ or something and it’s spider like legs clamping around it and sucking itself in. I remember one of these beings doing it with some difficulty in a high wind as the goo ball rolled over and over. Then we decided we wanted to go up the Eiffel tower. We wander back up the streets and into the boxy lifts. This is where I saw Roger – he was getting in one, as I was getting into another with Gareth and some others. The views were wonderful (even if I don’t remember /exactly/ what they were. Then the dream shifted.

In this part of the dream I seemed to be working in a museum of sorts. Apparently I was one of the conservators. Neil from work was also there and was doing something that is not approved by the boss who was female. I can’t remember much of this but, I do remember fish tanks, I identify the fish it’s some sort of a competition and I also have to ID the apples on the trees in the corridor. I am first to do this but this time get it wrong, the other group get it right but take much longer.