Tag Archive: glass


I dreamt of a river in spate and a dam breaking open. Someone is caught in the crush of water escaping. I identify it as an old friend called Aron, from when I lived in Wales. The weight of water pushes him through and he screams as he’s squeezed past the barrier being pulled apart. I visit him later. He’s in bed and is well. The house is in a hilly valley and has several levels.
I also had a dream where I’m visiting a man who lives in a glass greenhouse that’s falling apart. I don’t remember much about that except I was using a pole, and poking out broken bits of the glass and there were vines curling in on the floor.
There was also a fragment where I was shopping for clothes on the coast with family. I had lost a top, knew it was stashed somewhere because it was dirty. It was a nice top in blue like Zoe’s heavy red one that has holes for thumbs. I bought some interesting clothes. It was sunny by the sea and a harbour wall or pier.


I had many dream fragments last night. In the first I dreamt I was on a beach with a huge frozen wave. There were also lizards that had had a long journey without water.
In the next I was climbing a mountain. There was a woman called Jill who I identify as a friend. We are with other friends and on/by a train track. We are stuck on the train track side and our friends leave. We do manage to get to the other side safely.
In the next dream I am in a house or shop with friends. There is a problem and we are protecting people. We decide we need to set the bomb off. A female friend volunteers to do it. It wasn’t vividly enough remembered for specifics, but I know she will die doing it. I head to a room in a hotel, it’s whitewashed and looks very Greek in style. I grab the coverings, a duvet and a blanket and get in the bath after removing the glass basin from the room. I cover myself over with the duvet and sheet. It doesn’t feel like it’s enough protection. There’s a huge sonic boom that shatters all the windows and glass. I am safe under the covers.


I had a Grey’s Anatomy related dream, probably because I’ve been watching Greys anatomy recently. I was having a medical exam. I sit down to have the test done. I see dirty toilets and then I see Callie with a patient. Yang is assisting her. There is a spinal injury and lots of blood.
Then the dream shifted. I was in a sweet factory with glass windows (they are solid and made of sugar). I am there on trial. Gareth from work is there. I make mint sweets, handmade with red pieces, twisted and cut, turned half way and cut again. I also make a large fish and several small ones. When the boss comes to check on me they are pleased by my process. We talk of the company while everyone goes on break. There are lots of cakes. There is an attempt to make a cake on a spinning stand. Then the dream shifts again and I am persuing someone in a fly-drive car, but that bit isn’t very vivid.



I was running around this weird hotel/ship/cave system and its adjacent coastline looking for something, possibly a prophesy, im not sure that part was fuzzy. Turns out someone (me) has to die to save the world from something, by having my heart ripped out by a specific method, and in a certain place. In the dream I was only in my early teens, and had several girlfriends who where helping me. They seemed to appear and disappear at will. The most vivid bit is where we end up in a strange cavern of stone. There are a lot of people hiding in there, mostly men. It’s oddly shaped, with a slope into a pit/ arena in the middle, and several entrances. I see the green scaly woman from doctor who, she is the keeper of the cavern and warns me of danger.

I hide against the wall just in time, a dragon comes through one of the stone archways. Everyone panics as it’s an ugly black scaly thing that can breathe fire. it fire breathes into the pit, sending the men scattering, but it’s not interested in them. There is a glass windowed booth with a panicking man in. The dragon goes for him. It kills him, but is scared off by another man. He seems to be either a knock off of shrek, he certainly was big and had green skin, but more angular and craggy than shrek, or the other guy, who was made of wood, with his heart swinging from a hook through his body. The two men go into the pit to fight. The wooden man sees ‘me’ and tells me something enigmatic, and I question him while he fights. I get told how to find the place where the sacrifice takes place just before he gets squashed by the green guy.

Me and friends escape, take all sorts of back and access tunnels and tubes (some of which vaguely resemble what you’d get in the plastic hamster cages these days’) we end up in the main hotel bit. Walk through and it’s very Edwardian esque and Downton abbey like. Half of my friends disappear, and reappears in costume as a clique of gossipy girls. Me and closest friend who doesn’t disappear head outside. It’s a sunny day, we ate on the coast. Head to where we can get more info. End up going through a town, I see a sign that hasn’t been returned to normal after some filming has taken place there. We head through, somehow picking up a pony on the way as we pass through s fair going on there. Head to my home. There is a stall out front from the witch next door (who has the info I need – best friend has disappeared by now) I tell her my problem, she agrees to help, I first ask to bed my pony down, she agrees and I take it to the field behind. I woke up then, which was sad, as I wanted it to continue.



I dreamt I was at work. The outside wall in the classifications lab, which has the emergency exit in it and looks over the football pitch was made of frosted glass rather than brick and tiny windows. The lab looked clean and ultra modern. Andy, one of my colleagues was writing on the frosted glass in white pen. It appear that he has been doing this more and more often as a result of his job of auditor



Odd dreams tonight. There were two fragments. In the first fragment I was writing a blog post , when someone questioned me a about a sparkley effect on a road cutting (I am geologically trained so in theory it’s possible someone might do this). I asked her to send me a sample, and tell me where it was (the road cutting). She does, and then I looked up the geological map for the area (Tazmania apparently). It was a pretty map and there was grey and pink, some green and other colours. There was grey in the top left and bottom right of the ‘island’. I tell her the shiny rock is quartzite (though on reflection this morning, the shiny material should by rights have been a mica.)

The dream then shifted after that and it got weirder. It was very much Mr & Mrs Smith – complete with Brad Pit & Angelina Jolie. There was a loan shark after money and a restaurant/comedy club that was where the money was. They go there and I’m not sure how (this bit was quite fuzzy) bullets end up flying around, and Mrs Smith ends up diving for cover. No idea where Mr Smith went – possibly dived outside? I followed Mrs Smith who hid behind a counter. There is glass flying and the front is completely torn up while everyone in the back in the comedy club (and so can’t hear any of the gun fire). Eventually bullets stop coming and Mrs Smith hesitantly steps out, hands up. Outside is the loan shark. She has some money (from the till, I get the impression here that she owns the restaurant) but worries that it won’t cover the interest. The loan shark tells he it’s ‘just’ enough. She tells him how relieved she is. “Hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope we never have to meet again.” or some such was said. She joins up with Mr Smith’ who is in the car opposite the ‘restaurant’. They see the ‘evil’ dude come out in regulation evil genuis black clothing – complete with red lined black cloak. He morphs slowly from dark haired and rotund in black to camp, rotund grey haired guy in sparkly blue jacket – he was the host of the comedy club. He’s /very/ camp. Mrs Smith walks with him and he throws some moves, laughing about his ‘evil’ side.



I dreamt I was visiting or viewing this really high tech new house in the mountains. It’s front is a sheet of glass in a tall cliff like height with several floors inside.


I had a weird dream last night. I went shopping with dad, and ended up in a charity shop which sold some awesome stuff, mostly seashells and baskets and glass jars holding interesting things – like dried flower/seed heads etc.  There was an enormous glass jar that I really wanted in there.  It was all pale colonial painted wood décor and light and airy inside the shop, with a view over the sands to the sea.  I see I am on a pier and it is a nice sunny day.  I bump into mum while dad is waiting outside (he seems to disappear).  Mum and I leave by a side entrance because we need some money and head off to a cash point.  We go along the pier/harbour wall where the shop is sited and back onto the main land. We see a load of dancers on the steps (more like steps for giants – I think they are wave breakers) down to the beach. They are all synchronised in their movements and stuff.  It has a familiar feel to it as if I have been to this area in a previous dream.  Anyway, we work our way onto the steps and past the dancers and find a shiny silver and blue cash point that’s more like a beacon/post sticking out of the ground – in a very artistic way of course, but the dream faded after that.