I had a Grey’s Anatomy related dream, probably because I’ve been watching Greys anatomy recently. I was having a medical exam. I sit down to have the test done. I see dirty toilets and then I see Callie with a patient. Yang is assisting her. There is a spinal injury and lots of blood.
Then the dream shifted. I was in a sweet factory with glass windows (they are solid and made of sugar). I am there on trial. Gareth from work is there. I make mint sweets, handmade with red pieces, twisted and cut, turned half way and cut again. I also make a large fish and several small ones. When the boss comes to check on me they are pleased by my process. We talk of the company while everyone goes on break. There are lots of cakes. There is an attempt to make a cake on a spinning stand. Then the dream shifts again and I am persuing someone in a fly-drive car, but that bit isn’t very vivid.