Tag Archive: competition



I dreamt I was in a train station. It seemed to be undergoing renovations on a pretty massive scale yet was still open for passengers. I pass along a footwaythat appears to have been ripped apart and across some tracks that have also been pulled up and the ground looks all cracked and raddled. Looking out towards where trains come from I can imagine a train ploughing along here and crashing into me, and hurry up the incline. I go into some sort of market hall. There afre lots of stalls selling things but I don’t have nay money, then a woman approaches me. She looks like Hazel from work who works in the print room. She tells me about a competition which will net me a lot of free stuff. She takes me to the stall that is the start of the competition and I get my first free thing, though I don’t remember what it was.


I dreamt I was in a food wars/masterchef competition. I was in a supermarket and we needed to get the goods we wanted for the competition.
I was thinking a serving like the Keele spud/carrot ‘tian’ with broccolli topper, and beef. But I wanted nice juicy steaks and all they had was something on a huge bone. There are a few crashes of trollies. And that’s all I remember.


Last night I dreamt I was doing some sort of competition.  There was a blonde woman with all the instructions and three houses.  Our job was to do them up, set the house up and find a tenant.  The person who earned the most, got one of the houses as their own.  There was an internet page on Myspace (which I never go on) but I think the challenge started out through a market research company I work with called Toluna.  So I got one of the houses, there was an Asian lad with another, a lad from the year below me at uni called Michael with another and several others, but I never met them.  So the woman leads me to my house, and leaves me with a list of things I have to do.  The first day I hang around the house, cleaning it and organising things.  I’ve not really had a look at the ‘list’, so I’m somewhat shocked when the blonde business woman calls us all together to ask our progress and asks if we’ve completed the jobs on our list.  At which point I look at mine, and see all sorts of things I haven’t done!  The others have all done their jobs and she gives us all the next task, a self description on the Myspace page, with picture for the publicity of the competition, and then we go off again.  We will need to get votes for this page to win as well.
I go off and start on the list, and am pleased when the next day I have it all done.  The Myspace page isn’t and I’m a bit daunted by the CV/descriptions of my fellow competitors, particularly Michael. It transpires in the dream that he’s been in Africa volunteering in the Savanna and has tripped about quite extensively.  I have no choice but to be truthful when I finally get my page set up – I’ve led a fairly sheltered life really, and my dream reflected this.  But I did have the idea of getting all my Facebook friends (and their friends) to go vote for me on the Myspace page, and I’m the first to find tenants (the next day’s challenge as well as cleaning (which I’d done the first day).  My house was spotless and ready to go.  I had also had the forethought to advertise in advance about looking for tenants and set the rent at a vey reasonable price.  I have post it notes in my post box with phone numbers etc and details and so spend the day finding an appropriate tenant for the house.  I woke up after that, so I have no idea if I won or anything, but I suspect I came close if I didn’t.




I had several dream sequences last night, that made very little sense to me this morning, and I don’t remember all of it.  In the first dream sequence, Take That were visiting my school (it had the feel of Lamphey CP.  There was a newspaper, and I went to a park in the Potteries (Newcastle Unde Lyme to be precise – or it looked like it anyway) where I saw a hedgehog and a Robin.

In the next dream sequence, I was in a school room, and there was a message group we were communicating with a group in America

In the next sequence I was in a cooking competition where we had to create a three course meal – made entirely of cake!




I had two dreams last night, the first was very Jurassic Park in flavour, the second, very…ordinary life in a past setting.

So, the first dream.

In this I am the girl who went to the park – Hammond’s granddaughter. I have my little brother around somewhere too, but I don’t actually ‘see’ him in the dream, though I do know he’s around, and I worry about him when the raptors are loose. So we get to the park, and go on a tour. We see a sick stegosaurus that is quickly healed by the vet, who then dives us back to the lodge. Whatever happens to cause the power to go, we are in the computer room when it does, so that we can get the stuff up and started, except that we don’t flip from the auxiliary power so that at some point the power goes completely, so our escape attempt fails. We are trapped in the lodge because the shutters to get out are closed, and only main power can get them up. We try to find another way out but keep getting picked off by the raptors. Then time shifts backwards to a point where we are eating in the cafeteria, which is a separate building to the lodge/control room. I remember all of us around a table eating a meal, the scientists and Hammond discussing stuff I am not interested in. I am also certain that at some point later on I want to go back there to get a strawberry before some of the other guests, who have only recently arrived, get them first. Then it shifts again, and the power has gone again. This time we switch the auxiliary to the main power grid so wherever the animals escaped to, they are trapped there. There are still raptors about, and they are still dangerous, but can’t barge in on us and slice us down where we stand. The lodge is a maze of corridors (not unlike hotel corridors), but we manage to make it outside and start trying to make out way to the kitchen/restaurant building. It’s at the bottom of a very steep hill with a very slippery section, and I seem to be at the front as I can find the least slippery bits. One of the group has a broken leg – it’s all bandaged and splinted anyway, so we make it to the restaurant, and gather food together so that we can make the hike to the safe area where we can get off the park/island. We are split into groups and the youngsters – there are three of us are also split up between the groups. I end up in a group with David Fiddaman (a guy I know from work) in a big orange waterproof jacket, another woman and a couple of others. I woke up form this dream to find it was only 2am. I was most disappointed. I’ve not been sleeping well recently – waking up a lot in the night, or sleeping the whole night, but not deeply. I suspect it’s the central heating thing.

In the second dream I had, there are two guys competing to make a cake for their boss. One cake is all Lambington like – with the coconut sprinkles all over the exterior but this cake fails miserably in the oven as it expands and gets pushed backwards off the back of the wire rack. It ends up spread across the back of the oven. The other cake comes out perfectly as it doesn’t expands too much. The dream shifts a bit and the failed cake is pulled from the back of the oven relatively intact….and for some reason already iced and covered in thick whipped cream, which has smeared all over a cardboard round. So I pull it out, and suddenly we are in my kitchen – when I lived in St Davids Rd in Wales, and Gareth, Biff and Pat from work are there. They try the cake which is suddenly a pineapple upside down one or another one (I distinctly remember Pat saying he didn’t want the upside down pineapple one I pulled from the oven) and then I woke up.


My dream last night was very definitely book related. I have been reading an old favourite, Star of Shadowbrook Farm. The dream followed the last section where the girl has to compete on her horse despite a sprained wrist, only in the dream, it’s me who is competing and it’s me who passes out after winning.



I don’t remember much about my dreams last night. I know I was in the work warehouse (which for some reason had a swimming pool in it). Andy was giving some kind of a lecture, and there was an unknown person in ‘authority’. We all end up in the pool fighting over some item or another. I end up holding it in the end, with an old friend from college (Maya) trying to reach for it. The external authority measures something (to do with how high my arm is – something to do with the rules of the competition). In the end we both end up getting a chocolate prize because neither of us can win out (even though I can clearly stop Maya from getting to the prize, I can’t do it without breaking the arm height rule.


This dream was weird and fragmentary. I saw some bits vividly and others through a haze.

Ok, so I am in a convent. God knows why, but I was. I was reading in my bedroom/cell and I am with a group of others. We are travelling and have stayed at the convent over night. The dream then shifted and I was reading the book in the field and am also reading other books elsewhere. I see cherry blossom, rain. I am dancing in the falling blossom and the rain. I spin around in it getting coated by the wet blossom. It’s very pretty.

Then the dream shifts again. I am on the coast, by a sea wall. I have done something to my toe, because yellow pus is spurting out from the nail bed like arterial blood would spurt from a serious injury. There has been a competition. I was running and there were other people there from a different school. They were wearing a black and green uniform. I vaguely remember getting scolded by one of the older teachers….something about ‘I told you so’ – probably related to the toe thing.

The third fragment was set on a boat. I am watching a father and his daughter get back to a boat (the one we left to get to the convent in the first fragment I think). To do this they have to go out into the open sea, brave jagged rocks, sharp turns with the girl at the helm. They have to get over the jagged rocks and ride a wave over them. The sharp turns are to avoid the nastier rocks they sort of straddle the opening to the sea. There are a lot of high waves of clear water.


I quite enjoyed my dream last night. It felt like I was on holiday :D
I was in Paris, with a group of people, including Gareth and Roger (the boss). We were walking along the streets and shopping and chatting, and then we head down to the beach, which is rocky and chalky and just FULL of fossils. It wasn’t much of a sea I could see across the ‘channel’ the white chalk cliffs /quite/ clearly, and also the reddish soil. I know that there were echinoids, and corals (they looked like they were made of a opaque beige quill like material. Gareth was taking a lot of photos (he is in RL a very good photographer). There was also another creature, looking not unlike a mix between a spider, a lobster and a squid. It /did/ have a name, but I don’t remember what it was. This creature was at home in strange clear balls of goo, and I did see one outside of the goo pierce it with sharp ‘claws’ or something and it’s spider like legs clamping around it and sucking itself in. I remember one of these beings doing it with some difficulty in a high wind as the goo ball rolled over and over. Then we decided we wanted to go up the Eiffel tower. We wander back up the streets and into the boxy lifts. This is where I saw Roger – he was getting in one, as I was getting into another with Gareth and some others. The views were wonderful (even if I don’t remember /exactly/ what they were. Then the dream shifted.

In this part of the dream I seemed to be working in a museum of sorts. Apparently I was one of the conservators. Neil from work was also there and was doing something that is not approved by the boss who was female. I can’t remember much of this but, I do remember fish tanks, I identify the fish it’s some sort of a competition and I also have to ID the apples on the trees in the corridor. I am first to do this but this time get it wrong, the other group get it right but take much longer.