Tag Archive: storm


I dream of a grave.  It’s Penelope’s from my Mage roleplayign game.  I’m also with others.  We go to a museum which has a room with crystal with gold flecks and veins in it.  I collect a sample carefully.  This unsettles the delicate balance and we have to run a gauntlet to escape the cavern and museum.  It’s through a gymnasium, and a pool.  Ice from the roof keeps collapsing, making it very dangerous to cross, and destroying the ice of the pool we crossed.  I curl up and go ‘oh’ at one point as I’m held back.  I tell them we need to press on.  There is an odd swirling ice storm in the room.



I don’t remember much of the details of the first dream last night. I dreamt I was sailing and there were a group of us, a youth group I think, like the scouts or guides.  We had these toys, one of which was made of felt that we had to protect.  We end up journeying along the coast, there’s some stunning tropical blue parts before we end up in the ‘naval’ harbour, which is in a small pocket bay which has heights with pines trees on the heights, the water is darker here, like it is in the Mediterranean on a rainy day.  We sail to a small tree covered island directly off this naval harbour (the ships were all tall ships with lots of masts and rigging).  There is a house there, and a storm blows up.  Most of us make it to the island by swimming as our dingies can’t cope with it and we take shelter.

The second dream I had last night was very definitely ripped from my memories.  I was back at University in Barnes block.  I was in my room at first, and notice I have milk in the room, but realise I want a cup of tea, so I walk down the stairwell to the downstairs kitchen, the stairwell is very vivid.  I walk into the kitchen, which looks like a bomb site and biohazard combined (pretty much par for the course in a university kitchen). I look at the kettle, realise it’s a mess, and that the milk in my room is likely off as it’s been there more than three days and remember upstairs has a small kitchen area that has a kettle.  I never do get my cup of tea though.




I dreamt I was on a sinking ship, which appeared to have pulled a Titanic, as it was tilting into the water rather than wallowing into it. Me and several guys abandon the ship, and end up in a life raft. There is a storm. After it, we drift and end up drifting into a city. There is lightning (really huge massive bolts of it) and we end up in a car park on dry land.

Another fragment was of my old landlady Kim, I was arranging Christmas gifts for her in her lounge and cleaning for her to help her out.

The final fragment was quite odd. There was a young man. I am helping him with something interesting. I’m very interested in him for reasons I don’t remember. He’s handsome. I am at school, something happens and there is a cycling helmet involved. He is there with a very interesting book, a copy of a paragraph I which stands out. It scrolls through the text like a kindle, to a picture of fields



I definitely had an interesting dream last night. And, for once I actually wrote it down as soon as I woke up – which was evidently in the middle of the night given the spelling – which is SHOCKINGLY BAD*. I am writing this based on what I wrote, because I have absolutely no recollection that I even had a dream last night which for me is unusual. Normally I can remember that I have dreamed…but not what happened IN the dream.

So, in this dream, that’s obviously a major ‘event’ – possibly a plane crash of some sort. Whatever kind of a crash it is there are some weird effects to the crash, and I am evidently injured. I need rescuing, and am helped by a Japanese Akita (big dog, looks like a chunky husky with a tail curled on its back) and this Chinese guy.

The dream obviously shifts because suddenly I am with mum, and I ‘know’ it is autumn. We are on a ferry or a hydrofoil of some description going somewhere.

The third fragment I sort of wrote about. This is pretty much (misspelled) key words, obviously written in the hope it would trigger my memory in the morning to save time so I could collapse back into sleep. It didn’t work. All I can tell is that There’s a bath, a storm and my brother is being forgetful (but I don’t know what about).

The fourth fragment appears to have a weir in it. It is possibly a continuation of the dream in the second fragment. It has a ‘spider device’ that isn’t working. I have to look at the software. God knows how, but I end up flying (badly as it turns out). I crash land. End up in a train station, and take a trip to a market. How this all helps with the spider device I have no idea, because at the market I find some music I want. I end up hanging around the market until it closes. I get the feeling that the market is in a place much like Cornerstone in Didcot. There is music playing that’s by Owl City (I really like their music – quite cheerful) then there’s something about an ‘itunes haze’ that I can’t make out or remember in the slightest what it means. I end up being late for school and leg it back to the railway, which is being dug up. I get on the wrong train, and end up in a hotel watching TV. I have to pay for the privilege, though kids TV is free of charge.

The last thing I see in the dream is a black Scotty dog floating towards me over a red carpet.

*This is the pure unadulterated me straight out of sleep so you can see just how hard I sometimes have to work to edit my dream writings before it ends up on here:









I don’t remember too much about the dreams I had last night, I was going along with a group of people in a boat, when we come up to an island, there are sharp rocks etc…. and we must land on the island at some point because we discover a lot of gold, and me an the group I am with aren’t allowed to take any. Unfortunately the ‘gold centre’ that sells stuff is a long way away.

There was another dream too, separate but with a similar ‘holiday’ flavour. I am camping. The tent is plastic and it is very sandy and windy. There is a storm blowing up and we use gravel to keep the tent walls in place while we are inside.

Then I have to get somewhere an the guy I am with needs convincing to take me to the bank to put some money in.



I had two dreams last night, both of them work related. The first was set at my current work place. I had been processing data in the office and for some reason I go out into the effective stress lab. There’s a crowd of people around the sample preparation bench. Andy is preparing one of the samples in the normal manner and there is a big block of soil (looks like the modeling clay straight from the bag with its edges trimmed off). Michael comes up with a tray of drinks (tea coffee etc) and puts it down on the workspace just in front of the big clay specimen. Andy promptly starts to tell Michael off for being so careless – he could have disturbed the sample (even though it really doesn’t look all that delicate to me). Phil and Nick meanwhile are preparing another sample on the floor of all places. Nick is doing the trimming on his knees (and he is behind the bench so I can’t see him from my perspective) while Phil stands over him, directing/watching what he is doing and making suggestions. The Roger walks out of his office on the way to the advanced lab for some reason, and I ask him what the test is about (as I have never seen a test on such a weird (and large) specimen.). Roger explains it to me very convincingly (I can even hear his tone of voice in the dream) and then goes off to do whatever he was going to do (he is holding onto some papers) while my response was, “Huh”.

The second dream was based in Preston and centered around my old job of care assistant. For some reason I was up in Preston (probably visiting mum as per my usual reason for being up there) and Apex has convinced me to do a shift (they must have been utterly desperate). So I have gone to this place (it looks like it’s where nanny’s old care home is sited – and we are going into a house that is what I would call the ‘gatehouse’ that is to the side of it to an assisted living accommodation. I have gotten a lift or am driving a car very much like mum’s and I have Chloe the cat with me. No idea why I had brought her up north with me. Anyway, mum turns up and she has Will (her house rabbit) with her (hutch and all). We therefore decide to introduce them. Interesting thing about it. It isn’t Chloe (who has proved herself a cold hard killer of all things rodent and avian) who attacked. Will bit her on the nose! She kept wanting to make friends, and he kept attacking her. Then I notice how odd the weather is getting. There has been a storm building for a while with dark grey clouds and wind etc…now I notice that there’s what looks like the funnel of a twister coming down from the clouds . It is BIG and very threatening looking and I can still /see/ the twisting vortex of the water vapour in the twisting wind. It keeps trying to set down, but never quite reaches the ground. But the clouds above are getting ever blacker and there are some curious black sparkles in it that I /think/ are stars – as if the storm is peeling back the atmosphere and revealing the utter black of space, punctuated by the stars (either that or it was dead black cloud (I mean it was so black it could have been sapping the light from the surroundings) with tiny lightning globs at random points. I keep thinking it would be a good idea to get in the car – or in the building, but the sight is really mesmerizing…and then I got woke up by Chloe using me as a springboard.



Last night I had several dreams all mixed together I think. Either that or my mind kept shifting between dream sequences.

So, the first dream sequence I remember has shape shifting dogs in it and a man (who may or may not be reccuring dream guy. The dogs (which look like Disney style cartoons given that one was all creamy, another in shades of lilac and purple) and shape shift into humans (mostly women – the lilac one shifted into a classy woman dressed in clothing from the 1930s, the cream one onto a flapper’s clothing or something, one of them had a fur stole/scarf thing . They are on a mission I have no idea what it was or if they succeeded or anything.

The second dream sequence involved time travel and changing the past and weird things end up happening when the past is changed. And I am starting with the ending, because that’s how it happened in the dream. So, there’s a huge storm on the ocean, a large cargo ship is in the middle of it. The ship is in trouble, and the crew are desperate to find out who has the authority to issue an abandon ship order (for some reason this isn’t the ship’s captain – they seem to think it’s some corporate hack on shore) One man abandons the ship anyway, taking a lifeboat, and a cow that was on the ship (don’t ask why there was a cow on board, no idea. It probably meant something to my subconscious. He makes it ashore, but he is back in the boat in calm waters with the cow when time loops back.

There is another interlude in the dream with the man with the shape shifting dogs (perhaps the woman who appears in the next part is part of his mission?). So the dream shifts to one of the cargo holds. A woman appears there (she may or may not have snuck aboard/ appeared out of thin air. The ship is carrying a //very/ important cargo that she wants though. And she wants it to change the past that nearly got her killed. The cargo, being a living Chinese style dragon, that has the powers of a genie. Whatever she bargains with it (they have a good long talk, which of course I remember nothing of, he grants her wish and they change the past.


In this dream, which was decidedly odd I was in a sailing boat. I (along with a few companions were hunting for something. Mum was with me. We either get caught by pirates, or call into a small port because suddenly we are in this camp. The leader is fat (has a huge Budda belly and wears gauzy flimsy (belly dancing style) clothes in reds and oranges and yellows. He tries to sell his daughter to one of the crew of the ship as a wife (apparently I am the ship captain’s bound wife – I have shackles on). We fail in whatever we were doing and decide to head home. My ‘husband’ needs a bath. We both get in. There’s a lot of oily stuff coming off him – it’s like a thick yellow grease. He won’t let me take my bra off but otherwise we are naked. Then after the bath (nothing sexual happened) – probably a good thing – my mind is IDing him as Catenni (Anne McCaffrey Freedom books) – and they are big and grey and it was probably set off by the Jack in Irons from the latest Merry Gentry book which I read recently which has a similar description. So we decide to head home. There’s a HUGE tropical storm blowing down the route we want to go (we were being raced last time and took a different route). So we stop for food. There is a fast food place in town – we make a huge order for the ships’ crew – cheeseburgers and fries etc…we haggle the price and then the dream faded.


I dreamt last night that I was a little girl with friends. We were playing near this pond. There was a storm or wave that covered us. Myself and two others came up for air, one little girl didn’t. I felt her arm as I surfaced and she had my work ID tag in her possession. We soon realised she was dead in this pond or whatever it was. I was scared in case the police blamed me for it as she had my ID. We had to go tell the father about her loss. He was devastated. I woke up not long after.


I had a somewhat disturbing dream last night. I am listening to a man who is explaining his reasons for committing a crime – the murder of a very important person that he refers to as ‘the great man’. He is also explaining how he is going to get out of sentencing for the murder. He says that they were doing something bad. ‘If it weren’t for the children’ he says to ‘the great man’ before stabbing him to death.

Then the dream shifted and he was in court, before the judges he admits his guilt and writes a letter then he collapses (purposely). One of the court staff rushes up and checks his pulse. Call an ambulance! is yelled. The paramedics come and he is lifted onto a stretcher but isn’t bound to it or anything. Then they put it in the ambulance. As people are talking to the ambulance crew (arguing about something) the trolley comes out of the ambulance silently and then sets off down the road with the man on it. He smiles at me eerily and then lies back. If it weren’t for the children…echoes back.

I had another slightly disturbing dream later on. A friend from my early school days Amanda and I are out walking. It’s stormy and windy, and she wants to go up a hill. I know bad things will happen. I don’t want to but she goes anyway running up it with much energy. A massive gust blows a tree down off the hill. It hits her hard in the head before rolling on. If it had been real life she would most certainly have been killed instantly. I race up to her. She has a very serious head injury. An older man comes to assist me. We perform brain surgery on her right there in the stormy muddy field on the hill and then she recovers in hospital.