Tag Archive: sunset


This was an amazing and vivid dream. I was in a realm that was Mage related. We are still hunting for Atlantis. In the sky I can see sparkling trails and streaks in the sky that I know is a meteor shower, but it’s really gorgeous, with the sun just setting in glorious rainbow colours and three moons in the sky and everything veiled with the sparkling streaks. I’m in a car driving along a cliff path road. I head inland as it begins to cloud over and it begins to rain heavily and steadily. I remember that the rain was dangerous. Possibly because of the meteor shower, possibly some began to land.
Then the dream shifted and I was at nannies house, but still in the same realm. Someone has died on the mountain that I was driving up the side of and both mum dad and my uncle peter have been killed by a falling meteorite.
I woke up in the night, so I was sensible and wrote these down, which is why I have the detail. I had more fragments from the second sleep (I woke around 2am)
The first was a plane crash, with balloons. There was a girl and a woman, it wasn’t very vivid. I see an orchid that is being given an airing somewhere bright and open.
The last fragment was fairly vivid. I’m with a group of friends, and we are doing something for charity. There is a friend from University – Helen heading it. There are lots of sweets, and a teddy bear. I win it by picking the name Ai-Mei, and it’s a panda teddy bear.


I had two dreams last night.
In the first, I was at a hotel.  It’s all sandy on the beach right outside and the sea is lovely and tropical.  I remember I was wearing summer clothes and there was money.  I go to visit a cove one night at sunset.  I remember shouting, trouble and bleached sand, but not much else.
In the second, I am in a house with nanny, friends and family.  It must be a festive occasion, because everyone’s wearing hats. I get the feeling it’s a carnival rather than a wedding.  There’s a woman outside wearing a very blue jacket and a red hat.  I don’t recognize anyone really and I go into nannies room.  I go to her vanity cabinet (where did she get that from?), It’s empty and I open the jewellery and makeup box that’s musical. I am wearing a flat cap but change it to a ribbon, There is another guy wearing a flat cap, and another other girl wearing nannies hat, and another guy in what looks like a fedora.  I don’t remember what happens.