Tag Archive: evening


Last night I dreamt I was with a group of people competing in some kind of crystal maze competition/quest. I don’t remember many of the tasks, except that there was one with water that one of the other girls couldn’t do (something about being allergic to water). I did it instead. The water was clean and clear though which is supposedly a good sign. The bit I remember best was the section with the dome where you have to get the gold tokens. It was evening, just going dark and the crystal dome was either on the water in a harbour. There were certainly palm trees and boats around – but that might have been the end of the dream. We had a set amount of time to get these gold tokens. I remember grabbing as many as I could from the floor where a fair amount seemed to congregate and pulled out the silver ones before stuffing them into the collection slot. The others were snatching them out of the air. When we came out and the tokens were counted. I am fairly certain we hadn’t gotten enough gold, or the silver cancelled out a good many of the gold ones collected, but I still think, despite this that we won. I remember getting one of those cut crystal things, then the dream faded.


Me and mum are on a ship in this dream I think. It’s fairly dimly lit, probably in the evening. We are in a room and have visitors. Mum (most unusually for her as she is a social butterfly type) sleeps, while I (also most unusually as I am a bookworm) entertain the visitors at a meal on a table. It’s an Indian style meal with curry and popadoms and bhajii and there was also cake for desert. Then I too sleep after saying good bye to the guests. I wake and explore my surroundings. The ship has Edwardian style flickery lights and a most odd loo. I find my way to the dining room and have breakfast with mum. It looks just like typical English hotel food.

Then the dream shifted. I became a boy with special powers on the run from the government (not often I am male in my dreams so I took note). My family is helping me evade them. I am researching my powers while my family find a safe place/school for me. I find out I am part of the royal family of something – possibly a child of gods (ETA Does this or doesn’t it sound very much like Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief? – and I only watched the trailer a week after having this dream – how random!). When the safe place is found my parents take me there, but we are attacked. Another girl helps us. We end up in this cramped dark room with red light. The father (all nervous like the Witwicky dad in transformers). The boy pulls out some item and his father snatches it (a cigarette lighter in the shape of a gun?) he points it at me telling me off for taking it, I try to explain, but duck as I realise he’s going top use it. He accidentally sets it off – it’s actually a gun, the guy who captured us has the gimmick, which is a significant item in the dream though I don’t know why. The guy who gets shot looks like the guy in charge of sector seven in the transformers film. He is shot in the shoulder. Both look astonished. I stand up, the girl, my family and I make our escape.
The dream sequence ends on a plane, the girl in the seat behind me – she’s pretty, dark wavy hair et al. I think we were in love or something in the dream. Anyway, I have decided and actually enrolled in this special school I read about. My parents and the girl argue with me about my decision, but it’s the only place I can be safe. I distinctly remember saying to the father “but she’s not part of the royal family” – meaning that the girl that has saved us and helped us to safety can’t go to the school. She ends up in tears. The dream fades with her sleeping in the airplane; a little girl in the seat opposite is watching her. I and my family appear to have disappeared by this point. She seems happy in the dream and her face is streaked with tears, hair wild. She wakes, remembers, then sets herself to straightening. She puts on a ‘mask’ to hide her hurt.