

Lots of dream fragments last night.

I dreamt I won £100,000 in a lottery ticket I had in a Christmas card.  I paid off a considerable amount of the mortgage with it.  My friends were pleased for me.  They were with me at the time I won it.  I also dreamt I was at a boarding school, there were rules etc, and magic.  I managed to be injured on the very first day, along with several other students.  We were all sent to the hospital and permitted the next day off lessons to recover.  The other students were jealous when the teacher (who was McGonagall like) came into the bedroom to see us.


I also dreamt that I visited Joe & Zoe & Rich while they were having dinner. I was at Kelly & Rik’s place in heavy rain (it has been raining heavily)  the downstairs of the house is very large and very elegant.  I am confused, I think I have been mistaken, but then I realise I haven’t (their flat doesn’t HAVE a downstairs, let alone a huge elegant one).  I had a toasted sandwich and I join them.  I only remember Zoe’s meal, a huge (enormous – enough for 5) curry of some sort, or possibly Italian chicken with a LARGE amount of grilled cheese on top in chip shop takeaway wrappings later.  Rich has been dealing with his parents who have been fighting like cat and dog over some directions.  He has been mediating.


I also dreamt that I go on a school trip to a island bought by a gypsy who was incredibly wealthy.  He made it a sanctuary for his people, but the place is brutal.  We are all told off to different residents to learn things.  There is a blue and orange lyre bird there that digs and is totally unafraid of humans.  The head man uses the creature in  a demo, and everyone wants him as their guide.  He hates all the kids and turns them down   I whack him on the knee, give him no adoration and he takes me on.  I’m lead off round the island to the labs. There is a small crustacean that can talk that tells me a lot (throwback to Sebastian in the little mermaid??).  He tells me all about the dangerous creatures.  Then I get to the lab and the man walks off, he has a lecture to prepare.  I walk the lab looking at everything. There is testing etc in progress and an empty bench.  I wander through, leaving my back pack there and end up in an almost packed lecture theatre.  I group near my friends.  A boy and two girls, and sit down. I woke up after that.