Tag Archive: Steampunk.

One YA a Day – Day 144

Episode 175: Above Decks by Terry Ibele

A poor coal shovelling boy, only 10 years old, being abused by a ruthless master with a pet monkey.  All the boy wants to do is see the sky – even if it’s just once.  He does, but has to escape the wrath of the coal master and his nasty monkey (that can handle a gun!).  The monkey goes crazy, and the boy finds a hiding place and falls asleep in safety.  He’s awoken by jostling, and sees a sunset for the first time.  I have to admit, I’d like to know what happened next to the boy. But it’s a good ending. This was a Staff Pick for 2018 as Episode 188

Cast of Wonders 175: Above Decks

If you like what you find, please do support Escape Artists and the Cast of Wonders team. We are 100% donations funded, and have been working hard to meet the recent pro rate increase from $0.06 a word to $0.08 cents a word….and also pay our Associate editors (slush readers) as well!


What I’m doing here with these reviews, it’s not paid, it’s because I LOVE EA – all of its arms, and in Pseudopod’s case, tentacles :D


You can support them via direct donation or subscription via paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=p_WiG7YYwGD67ui_xBIoboemzoACesAicjnD3yFZaqsjYKOoB1_w6-wtC9fWo-IJfHT-zW&country.x=US&locale.x=US



You can do so at their Patreon https://www.patreon.com/EAPodcasts


Or tip the team at Ko Fi https://ko-fi.com/T6T213OJZ

Day 97

Cast of Wonders 120: Master Madrigal’s Mechanical Man by Scott C. Mikula

A clever girl held back from perfection by a master who cannot see the weaknesses in his own creation.  I love how she forces the issue of improving the fighting automaton by giving the opponent a few hints.  This was a Staff pick in 2014 as episode 151. I can absolutely see why :D


If you like what you find, please do support Escape Artists and the Cast of Wonders team. We are 100% donations funded, and have been working hard to meet the recent pro rate increase from $0.06 a word to $0.08 cents a word….and also pay our Associate editors (slush readers) as well!


What I’m doing here with these reviews, it’s not paid, it’s because I LOVE EA – all of its arms, and in Pseudopod’s case, tentacles :D


You can support them via direct donation or subscription via paypal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=p_WiG7YYwGD67ui_xBIoboemzoACesAicjnD3yFZaqsjYKOoB1_w6-wtC9fWo-IJfHT-zW&country.x=US&locale.x=US



You can do so at their Patreon https://www.patreon.com/EAPodcasts


Or tip the team at Ko Fi https://ko-fi.com/T6T213OJZ


I had two dream fragments last night. The first was Olympics related, and probably linked to chatting with my boss yesterday. I went to where they were handing out the games makers uniforms and asked if they still needed staff, but naturally they didn’t (I’t s /well/ past the deadline for all of that). The person I was talking to also (not sure why)mentioned that they were using over 15s for drivers and then I left. I downloaded a first aid app on my iphone and walked off. The place was a warehouse with a concrete fronting/driveway/parking area.
The other dream was slightly odd. There were towers, and one of them explodes. Out of the explosion a dirigible of dodgy construction (similar to the one in the Mummy 2) it rises up and up into the cold upper atmosphere. The occupants were a crazy old guy, a young boy, and a scraggly old captain (complete with grizzled beard and eye patch). The old guy asks the captain if it’s safe to go down, but is told that to go down too fast would be fatal. He says it’ll take about 200 miles to get down. This has all the flavour of Steampunky goodness. I /really/ need to think up a story to go with this.