Last night I dreamt I was being let aboard a battle ship – possibly as a journalist.
Anyway, I am met by a very sturdily built woman who leads me around, showing me where the women’s territory was, and introducing me to some (admittedly quite pretty brunette sailor officers) then she takes me on a tour after we dump my bag with the woman I am room sharing with – Sam Marshall from the KT.  We wend our way through the ship maze, and past a row of shops (why were there shops on a ship I don’t know.)  and am then introduced to a teacher I will supposedly be spending a lot of time with and another woman.  The teacher is an interesting creature – very round, where my guide is square (but not fat).  This woman is corpulent, but not ugly.  Her dress is lovely.  It’s like some sort of opra/ball gown with an inner layer of black and an outer layer of royal purple, it enhances the roundness of her.  Very stunning, and she has got a deep voice.  Then I get led on, there’s some sort of a pump room, that has a problem with one of the staff, and I am led to another room, introduced to another sailor to lead me around and my guide disappears to deal with the trouble maker.  I end up getting lost in the ship and back in the pump room, where the guide is now being held hostage.