Tag Archive: avalanche


I had a somewhat disturbing dream last night. I was at the old Hollin Head Crescent house with my friends Joe, Sera & Rob. We were playing a game called Talisman in the lounge (I /was/ actually playing it yesterday – almost won too.) Anyway, the game ends and Joe and Rob go outside for a smoke while Sera and I pack up the box. I have a quick ;look out the window when something catches my eye. There’s nan old mill that’s under demolition. As I watch the explosives tip it over into complete demolition, only for some reason, the demolition spreads out and out and out from the main building into the surroundings. I distinctly remember saying ‘shit!’ but by then it’s too late to warn Joe and Rob. There;’s an avalanche of debris which traps them. It rolls over Joe’s head, I know he’s dead then. Rob strains backwards trying to get away, but it covers him too, and a child that gets in the way. Rubbish collectors come around as I’m breaking the news to Sera, who, for some reason isn’t all that upset about it all. We emerge from the house to a mostly tidied street. There’s a worker on the end of the street, and a woman screaming for her lost child. Sera and I ask where the waste is going to be dumped. We are told and make our way there. Its very green and there’s a tall mound. At the top there’s a drop off and we are shown where the waste from our street has been dumped. We see three tangled bodies in the mud. Then the dream ended.


I had the oddest dreams last night.
There was a toilet that cleaned itself (and the floor) when flushed. There were grilles in the floor and water lapped in and then out, as if it was being dipped in water.  But the place was sparkling clean.
The other dream was more fantasy related and interesting.
There was some travelling and things that happen before, but my first dream memories of me (as a male which for me is unusual in a dream).  My dream body is also apparently a prince, on a quest or travelling somewhere.  He’s come across some strange people, and while his guards are advocating an aggressive approach, the prince is firmly of the belief that peace first, and then fight only is necessary, and he introduces himself.  A man at his back says that that was well done – he’s an abbot who is on a journey.
The prince and the abbot talk, and the abbot agrees to travel with the prince.  It’s on his way.
The dream shifts as the prince and abbot travel on.  We end up into caverns and pools. We are in a place that is in a glacier.  There’s a story about Captain Cook in the mountains.  The abbot and I move outside and look up the glacier.  I recognise the caverns are unstable – the main cavern is an enormous ice cavern and the roof is much too far extended.
As I think this, there’s an ominous cracking sound, an avalanche.  Many people run inside, but are crushed to death as the cavern roof collapses.  The balcony I am on is raised slightly, I watch the approaching avalanche.
It thunders past my balcony.  Snow and Ice and spray.  Others come out – survivors of the cavern collapse – there was a small bit carved into rock at the side of the cavern that didn’t collapse.  They are lucky.  Captain Cook’s ship comes down the mountain on the torrent of ice and snow.  I woke up.