Tag Archive: prince



Last night I had an interesting if slightly odd dream. I was on a school trip in Oxford, we go into a museum or palace building. There we meet a Thai prince, and are invited to meet the king. We are led to a lounge full of old guys and are told to bow to the king, and pull a red and white cord when we do, and we are not to worry if we bow to the wrong man, as pulling the cord is understood that the bow is /meant/ for the kind. Despite this, the servants gesture to which is the king, except the school teacher /still/ gets it wrong. The cord is pulled however and the king doesn’t mind and acts in a very friendly manner, chatting away and taking us all on a tour of the palace/museum. I saw some very interesting shells, that I had seen on the beach just down the road. They had mica in tem that made them sparkle. There was also a semi precious stone piece that looks like the calyx and feathers of the head of a crinoids in a green stone – not jade but definitely semi precious. We also see all the royal paraphernalia that normal tours don’t get to see. I talk with the prince as we walk, and he’s telling me that school has only just started up.

The dream fast forwarded to after the tour, we split off from another group of students, that went shopping. They are waiting for us by the Magdalen bridge, most of them leaning against the stone sunbathing. I go with several others up a hill of shops, and buy some tasty little chocolate buns and stroop waffles that everyone has gone crazy about.



I had an odd dream last night, I was in my bedroom, which was about ten times it’s actual size, it was sited in a royal palace, and I was lounging on a chaise longue, with the queen and the prince and other members of the royal family (not the British royal family!), the queen was quite young, and blonde, the prince had dark hair, and was a teenager. We were all posing for a photo, or painting.

The dream shifted then, and I was outside, and taking part in a boat race, we pull into a port, see some form of canoes, there’s a weird boat. I bail water with a strange implement. It wasn’t very vivid.



I dreamt that I was wandering around a town. It was quite a vivid dream, but I only wrote down key words, so I’ve no idea why there were green meat paining and churches…I /think/ not 100 percent, but I think the churches were being painted green…not sure where the meat comes into it, unless that was how the paint was being applied. I do remember more from the second dream fragment of the night. I was in my old school Tulketh High, In what I think might have been the Fylde form tutor’s office, was a prince, who was waiting to become a king (His father the king was ill, slowly being poisoned by the Duke regent. He wants to escape, so I help him, but dressing in his red brocade dressing gown, over a much thinner dressing gown that’s almost see through. We get onto the stairwell. He goes downstairs, I go up to some friends in one of the science labs. I don’t remember the outcome. Presumably if the prince escaped and became king he would be suitably appreciative of the assistance rendered



This was a weird dream. Very weird.

I dreamt that I agree to have sex with an unknown man to conceive a child.  I go to the room and they put a pillow over my head so I can’t see the man –  I take it off as the man enters and see it’s the prince I’m to sleep with,  (in the dream his name is Andrew and he’s quite young and handsome).  We sleep together (though it sort of skips that bit and I dream of the aftermath when we are talking and getting t know each other and I fall pregnant from that.  I know it very quickly.
The prince and I talk, become friends, possibly fall in love.  He gives me a necklace.  We are in my old house in Pembroke, and there are lots of toys scattered in the back garden.  It is raining.  I’m told by the prince to tidy them up.  It’s an order.  I do as requested.  Then I see a scene of the wife who is despised, and pregnant start to go into labour, and is collapsed next to a marble column. she’s stretching he hand out asking for help, pain on her face.  I apparently am not the lady any more, as I end up going to the kitchens where I clean a dirt encrusted oven with a hair dryer.  Apparently the dirt is more dust bunnies than encrusted.  Again I see the necklace.


I had the oddest dreams last night.
There was a toilet that cleaned itself (and the floor) when flushed. There were grilles in the floor and water lapped in and then out, as if it was being dipped in water.  But the place was sparkling clean.
The other dream was more fantasy related and interesting.
There was some travelling and things that happen before, but my first dream memories of me (as a male which for me is unusual in a dream).  My dream body is also apparently a prince, on a quest or travelling somewhere.  He’s come across some strange people, and while his guards are advocating an aggressive approach, the prince is firmly of the belief that peace first, and then fight only is necessary, and he introduces himself.  A man at his back says that that was well done – he’s an abbot who is on a journey.
The prince and the abbot talk, and the abbot agrees to travel with the prince.  It’s on his way.
The dream shifts as the prince and abbot travel on.  We end up into caverns and pools. We are in a place that is in a glacier.  There’s a story about Captain Cook in the mountains.  The abbot and I move outside and look up the glacier.  I recognise the caverns are unstable – the main cavern is an enormous ice cavern and the roof is much too far extended.
As I think this, there’s an ominous cracking sound, an avalanche.  Many people run inside, but are crushed to death as the cavern roof collapses.  The balcony I am on is raised slightly, I watch the approaching avalanche.
It thunders past my balcony.  Snow and Ice and spray.  Others come out – survivors of the cavern collapse – there was a small bit carved into rock at the side of the cavern that didn’t collapse.  They are lucky.  Captain Cook’s ship comes down the mountain on the torrent of ice and snow.  I woke up.


Last night I dreamt of a dog. I was staying in a converted barn, a woman wanted to borrow my dog for some sort of training or business thing. I wasn’t keen but had to in the end. I went out for a walk while it was going on and when I came back, the dog was in my room and very pleased to see me. There was a horse riding arena downstairs with wood shavings.
I also had something of a plot bunny dream. I dream of being shipwrecked. The only other survivor is a prince. We end up surviving on this island for some months before rescue. He marries me. I remember that there was an air rescue, but it wasn’t helicopters – it was dragons hovering above us.