Tag Archive: Bridge




I dreamt there was a load of works going on in a canal area and it was impassible.  My friends are going for a walk on the Keele estate, and we come to a massive and obviously brand new cross country fence – the drop into a lake, only this times it’s just a pond between the jumps. I’m impressed.  It’s a  steep drop.  I measure the approach strides by mind, as my friends and I discuss it.  I point out that Keele is making a bid to be one of the training camps for the Olympics teams.  My friends are impressed.


We continue on, and come to a bridge over the canal in Preston.  It’s a flat bridge, meant to block boats from travelling further. A old guy with a canal boat comes up, and tells us to raise the bridge, we explain why we cant.  He’s determined to go to this pub which is at the end of the canal route to meet some friends,.  I tell him the only other way is to catch a bus.  He seems to be a bit disgruntled by this.  I don’t remember any more.



Last night I had an interesting if slightly odd dream. I was on a school trip in Oxford, we go into a museum or palace building. There we meet a Thai prince, and are invited to meet the king. We are led to a lounge full of old guys and are told to bow to the king, and pull a red and white cord when we do, and we are not to worry if we bow to the wrong man, as pulling the cord is understood that the bow is /meant/ for the kind. Despite this, the servants gesture to which is the king, except the school teacher /still/ gets it wrong. The cord is pulled however and the king doesn’t mind and acts in a very friendly manner, chatting away and taking us all on a tour of the palace/museum. I saw some very interesting shells, that I had seen on the beach just down the road. They had mica in tem that made them sparkle. There was also a semi precious stone piece that looks like the calyx and feathers of the head of a crinoids in a green stone – not jade but definitely semi precious. We also see all the royal paraphernalia that normal tours don’t get to see. I talk with the prince as we walk, and he’s telling me that school has only just started up.

The dream fast forwarded to after the tour, we split off from another group of students, that went shopping. They are waiting for us by the Magdalen bridge, most of them leaning against the stone sunbathing. I go with several others up a hill of shops, and buy some tasty little chocolate buns and stroop waffles that everyone has gone crazy about.



I dreamt that I was walking along a canal or river, it was a nice thought grey day and it was in nice open countryside with fields to either side. The river was very high, flooding on the far side. Mum and I were walking along the towpath which was slightly elevated. There were ducks on the water looking quite happy, and we came up to a foot bridge. It was mostly underwater and mum was able to walk across the upper beams of it across the swirling water. I went around to a more stable bridge not too far from a horse I liked to visit. Then the dream shifted.

I was in my primary school Lamphey CP, for some reason I was wearing a dressing gown over my cycling gear. No idea why. I remember Mr Bartlett (My least favourite of my primary school teachers who I had the misfortune to have as a teacher two years running). We were in the classroom that was always Mrs Fergusson’s (The most AWESOME teacher, loved bright colours and was an amazing artist – inspired me to keep on at it). There was a tank of snails there – which isn’t that surprising. When I was in there we had the frog, the toads, the newts, and stick insects…and that’s the ones I remember! It goes a bit fuzzy after that, but I’m fairly certain the snails had escaped. I go into the kitchen, there is some muttering about something that I have forgotten, but I wanted some results, made a query and was told it was in some books. At least I’m fairly certain that’s what happened in the end of the dream – it really wasn’t very vivid and the key words aren’t descriptive enough.



I dreamt I was in space. There were planets revolving around their suns. A spacecraft crashes into a planet and goes through into some caverns, blocking them, and leaking pollution into the watercourse. It’s toxic. I end up in sub aqua gear, and me and another woman go off to sort things out. We rescue a woman, and others go off. There is not enough oxygen also most have to return. We are underwater so relay from bubble to bubble in the cavern. I’m fairly certain from the red rock colour it was on Mars,

I also had another dream where it was bright and sunny and mum and I were driving out of Did-cot. We are going past the Great Western Park housing estate there is stuff the other side of the road now, lots of buildings, and shops and a huge hotel. I see a foot bridge high in the air con-necting the two together.



I dreamt that I was singing karaoke in a bar that had a TV on. I was singing to a group of people from a chair (the type of spinning office chair – very dodgy to get onto, though it wasn’t difficult to get onto. The people aren’t really paying any attention to me. I sing one song very well, though I don’t remember what the son was, and then begin to sing ‘Heaven’ by Emily Sande. The people are engrossed in watching the TV in the corner of the room, not unlike pod people. The TV is on and the dream goes into the TV. There are a man and a woman. The woman is very excited. They are on a flat in a valley with a bridge that looks like the golden gate bridge behind them, though I could swear Its the Haven in Pembrokeshire. There’s a thought of ice cut platform, possibly what created the flat area. It’s sunny.



I dreamt of being on Pembroke Haven. There’s icebergs in the water. I am on a trip with people. There is snow on the ground, and it’s partly melted. I cross a rickety bridge (spiral metal scrollwork in red, though it could just be very very rusty) to a floating platform to see the icebergs passing beneath. In the dream I got photos of them., blues, greens yellows, depending on how deep under the water they are when passing the platform. The water is reasonably clear. The platform gets hit by an Iceberg I can see coming, but it comes fast, like all the rest of them, when it hits the platform tips over into the water. The water oddly enough isn’t icy cold, probably a dream buffer and the fact I /wasn’t/ physically cold in real life. I swim to shore, and drag myself into the changing rooms, they are underground, and there is a passage into it open to the air, and bars above. The changing rooms are in a bad state of disrepair and broken. It appears that the place the changing rooms are located is closed because it’s ‘out of season’. I have a shower etc even though it’s so essy, and in the end I get let out. There are also 2 guys in it, they end up in the water with me and go into the guys changing room. I assume that their changing room is in as bad a state of disrepair as mine.



Last night I had dreams that shifted about a bit.

First I dreamt I was on a bus field trip with someone called Lara Stairs, then the dream shifts and I am at school assembly. Everyone is singing in accompaniment to a piano – it’s the school song. Some people are also dancing.

In the next shift there is a colonel, who is really short, and wine. I’m not sure if I was drinking it or he was, but we were playing a game from a newspaper.

The final shift was somewhat odd. There’s a group of us, not unlike the Fellowship from the Lord of the Rings. I appear to be a hobbit, and the resgt of the group are dwarves, so it’s probably more from the Hobbit than Lord of the Rings. Anyway, we are walking along beside a river. It’s all nice and sunny and calm. There’s a bridge we have to cross made of rope crossing that we have to take to carry on following the stream downstream at one point. I see mud below me, and fields to the left.



I dreamt that mum was pregnant. I was a midwife at a hospital. It was dark, there was flooding (but it had gone down enough so I could cross the bridge) and there was an angry mob behind me. They catch me up, but I get through unharmed. Mum gives birth to a little girl, and there is a tiny thorn flower given to her. There are others who come, and they are discussing child birth and different positions to give birth in.

The dream shifts then and I am fairly certain there was something with shambling zombies.


I had quite an intense dream last night.  I am caught up in the current of a fast, deep river.  It’s dragging me towards a waterfall and I am desperately trying to get out of the river.    I am not sure how I got out, but I think I did, there were others who didn’t and went over the falls– we were all being dragged towards it.  After I get out – right by a bridge, I am found by a friend.  We make our way to the bottom of the waterfall.  Behind it is a door to another world.  We escape through it to some sort of a meeting.  I am with friends there, and am suddenly completely dry.  The talk is all about children and abortion.  I don’t remember much else.


Last night I had lots of fragments of dreams

In one mum and I are going on holiday. We are racing to catch a plane – we only just making it as the ramp goes up. It takes off and we call it back down to pick us up. We get on board, it’s very spacious and light inside.
In another I am at school (Tulketh High) and living at Goldburn Close again, I am out on a day trip and a male friend (possibly Michael Smith) and I get lost. We are in a town somewhere so we ask as woman for directions. She tells us to go down an alleyway and over a bridge (it looks a bit like Wallingford here).
The next fragment was also a school fragment. We were out for a walk near the school and we needed to cross the brook/stream. There were steps down to the crossing point and stepping stones and ironwork spanning the stream to help people to cross – most people get wet as they lose their balance and fall in – the kids do it deliberately. I don’t know if I crossed safely or not.

In the next I was shopping for a dress. I am looking for a particular shop I remember seeing trains and that the town is very busy. Then I go into several of the shops. I am looking at the tops. I get a phone call from mum, but not remember the conversation.
IN the final fragment I remember that I was with a group of male friends and we were practicing shooting with guns. We compete at shooting the targets. It’s sunny, very green and light. The targets are red and white, the guns black. I don’t know where guns came from. I win with targets. My first shit just on edge of central round. I tell a woman off for walking in front of me when I am pointing the weapon. There’s another man there – the owner of the land (and guns?) who tells us to put the guns away, saying something about BB guns etc.