Tag Archive: karaoke



I dreamt that I was singing karaoke in a bar that had a TV on. I was singing to a group of people from a chair (the type of spinning office chair – very dodgy to get onto, though it wasn’t difficult to get onto. The people aren’t really paying any attention to me. I sing one song very well, though I don’t remember what the son was, and then begin to sing ‘Heaven’ by Emily Sande. The people are engrossed in watching the TV in the corner of the room, not unlike pod people. The TV is on and the dream goes into the TV. There are a man and a woman. The woman is very excited. They are on a flat in a valley with a bridge that looks like the golden gate bridge behind them, though I could swear Its the Haven in Pembrokeshire. There’s a thought of ice cut platform, possibly what created the flat area. It’s sunny.


I had a few fragments last night
In the first there was a crashing airplane, there are two survivors. I don’t remember anythign else form this fragment. It may have segued into the next, but I’m not sure.
In the next fragment there are a group of people. They are going on a journey. One of the party has special abilities and takes an underwater route. It’s cold. I get the impression it’s in the arctic. There’s the white and blue of the ice, and the dark depths of the water, blue like a raven’s wing. There are glaciers and ice bergs and the group are in a small row boat I think. The guy with the special ability who went underwater can ‘light up the darkness’ when he emerges at the destination the group were heading for, he tells them he won’t be returning by the same route. He’s either been scared or messed up some other way by what he saw down there in the depths.
Then the dream shifted again. There’s some sort of game show or concert or it could have been a karaoke bar. Certainly there is karaoke singing.The thin weird dude from X factor was there – Johnny Robinson I think his name was. He was initially quite sad, until his friends take him to this Karaoke bar all decked out in sparkly pink. He’s overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness and starts to enjoy himself.
There was more but it’s been forgotten.