Tag Archive: cafeteria



Last night I dreamt of a battle. We were in some sort of warehouse place. The front was all calm and serene, and there were shops etc, but at the back there were barrels and tanks and explosions and gun fire. I distinctly remember one tank exploding, so I retreated round to the quiet front part and went into some sort of cafeteria with a red floor where people were getting drinks and food served from a hatch. I get a mug of tea and some cake, and go to sit down on one of the chairs that are laid out in rows. Then followed an amusing comedy routine. Shame I don’t remember any of it.



Last night’s dream started with me and a woman wandering down a set of stairs in what my mind identifies as an office building into some kind of cafeteria or restaurant. It’s all dark and dim, with reds and blacks. It has a distinct Sci Fi feel to it. The woman ducks under the counter, which I ‘know’ is a really dangerous thing to do. To get to the guy we need to talk to. I can’t, because I am too big. Something really bad happens and then the guy who is chasing/hunting us comes in. The guy at the counter sets off an alarm and I creep out of the bad guy’s view behind a load of tables and a large party of kids. There are a lot of kids running around everywhere. There is a chocolate cake with chocolate icing in bowls on the table. The man behind the counter then covers the evil guy in soup, first attempting to get him fails, but it gets his attention. The second attempt drenches him. While the guy is distracted I creep around the perimeter of the room and into the back. I grab a couple of the bowls of cake and hide outside the toilets where no-one can see me. I must go into the bathroom because I look at myself in the mirror. My lower teeth are feeling strange. I look at them – and the dream zooms in close. My teeth were fizzing, dissolving. It was gross and very disturbing.

I also had a dream about Dune – I did watch the film last night. It was all about the vendetta between House Harkonnen and Attreides.