Tag Archive: seats




I dreamt I was working for a crazy woman who owned ducks and a platypus creature. There were also Guinea pigs, cats, and a cow of some sort that is white. I am cleaning them out, and feeding them.  I end up watching the cow trample mud in the guinea pen, and rescuing the guineas from drowning in mud.  I remember washing them off, and them enjoying it, stretching out so I could rub their bellies.  They were quite cute and friendly.


In another dream fragment I was on a bus journey, only the seats moved around.  I had my shoes off. People were worried the bus will crash. There are works on road so the bus swings through a town (with a Disney store) and parks down the hill. A woman complains of having to drag her suitcase up to the town.  It was an odd one this dream.


In the final dream fragment I remember playing a matching symbols and tiles game.  I am not sure what it as for, and I am in a convenience store shop “9” owned by an Asian family. It’s famous for something.  A girl goes outside. It’s cold, crisp and it’s a nice building. She’s framing tiny flower beds in the wall/pavement to make it all neater.




I dreamt I was catching a ferry to go on holiday.  We were in the terminal, there I saw a family group.  the was being unreasonable about something, and the mum was wearing a turban, like they wear in the middle east and was very upset.  The father is an old warrior with a large beard.  We end up on a bus journey, and the Police are hunting for something or someone.  The bus trip is fast, and just a bit scary in that it’s going up a hill with a vertical drop off one side at a horrendous rate of knots.  It felt like we would be tipped out at any moment.


There was another fragment where I was in town with some friends, sitting on some seats reading.  We also did some shopping, but I don’t remember for what.





I had several dream fragments last night.


In the first I dreamt I rescued some caterpillars and a duckling.


I then inspected a waterfall, where water was seeping from the ground nearby, and a drinking fountain in the park that was linked to both, I remember music and water from that.  The fountain is dying.  I sit on some seats to observe it, and give a status report to (someone).  I remember that there were 4 seats, and people sitting on them (or something like that) set the fountain running.


In the next fragment I had a secret book.  There was a person from the 1970’s, and we were working in my business, which in the dream was selling wrapping paper and envelopes.


In the next fragment I see a nuclear explosion.  There is a woman who was blinded by it, and she’s in a hotel that wasn’t finished at the time it went off.  I was hiding in a wardrobe, though it was supposed to be a bathroom.


The final fragment shows some guys in boats messing around with the bomb.  There are also a group of teenagers having fun in the waters.  It’s sunny, they are in bikini’s and swimming shorts.  Wired in the harbour is a trigger for the bomb, and I know that there is a 1000 mile radius exclusion zone, yet the guys and teenagers are still there when one of them triggers the wire.



In my dream last night, I was on an airplane.  There were several people on the aircraft, and they kept shifting seats.  I’m securely fastened in and so are the others when the outer door bursts open.  I can see the land below, and there is no depressurisation or wind as the door opens.  I can see lakes below.  The dream shifts and I am on the ground below in the Lake District.  There is a country fair there, and I have a large lump of coal in my hands.  We are ordered to walk somewhere by some authority.  Dad is there (though it doesn’t look like dad) and he suggests we go a different route – he gets me to a car.  Throwing the lump of coal stops the bad guys, but I can’t remember how; or how they got into power.



Last night I dreamt of a battle. We were in some sort of warehouse place. The front was all calm and serene, and there were shops etc, but at the back there were barrels and tanks and explosions and gun fire. I distinctly remember one tank exploding, so I retreated round to the quiet front part and went into some sort of cafeteria with a red floor where people were getting drinks and food served from a hatch. I get a mug of tea and some cake, and go to sit down on one of the chairs that are laid out in rows. Then followed an amusing comedy routine. Shame I don’t remember any of it.



Last night I had a Greys Anatomy related dream.

It was in a big old castle & town in Spain . The stonework and wood I remember were really beautifully carved. I am looking around like a tourist. There is a dog in the dream, though I don’t remember what it looked like. It follows us around for a bit. The owner finally turns up and then the dog and owner disappear. We go into the other room and see water and pools. There are all sorts of treatments and stuff. There are warm water machines lining walls, strange carved seats etc as well. One room has a bookcase and another is selling books. I see a sleeping beauty one or a Cinderella one that I think Tyler would like. The bookshelf has Jules Verne on it and unidentified old books.

In the next room there are loads of seats. I am now on an ‘airplane’. I sit down and end up chatting with guy who fears flying.

Dream shifts and we are on a bus.

Derek from Greys Anatomy appears. He’s lost his nerve for surgery. His sister is a kidnapper/burgler and can get anywhere. She helps him somehow. Derek is thinking of going into neuro (not the surgery, the other one neuro-physiology I think it’s called – it pays more, and he and I are thinking of getting a house together. There is a kidnap and ransom of a little girl. Derek’s sister leaves her group who’s kidnapped the girl to help her brother.


Several short dreams last night.

In the first, I had gone to dragon con in Atlanta with some friends from the KT and John from work. We get into the hotel, and it’s really crowded. The programmes telling us what is on and when is extortionate, so John and I decide to head into the market hall instead. We have a look around but it’s really confused. I do see these really sparkly car shaped Bow (as in bows and arrows) bag with a weird (but in the dream it is supposedly functional) attachment.

In the next I am getting onto a plane to fly somewhere. It’s /really/ cramped. I am seriously pretty much hugging the seat in front and there’s just NO space for my legs. But everyone else is in the same situation – except for the row in front which are aisle seats.

I had another dream after that that I don’t remember, probably because I woke up, and then went back to sleep again (it was only 5am – WAY too early for a Sunday!)

During the hour or so I was asleep after that I had another short dream which was set at home. I had gone out into the garden, leaving the back door open. I went over to the table, picked up the tub I planted with seeds when I was last up (there are lots of sprouts now) and then wander over to the wall of the garden where the garage is. I start pulling handfuls of seedlings out of the tub for Will the bunny, (one looks really white and slimy) and only then do I notice he’s come outside. He has a bit of a frolic. And then mum comes through. We have a chat and then we all go inside. I give will the food (he nosedives for the slimy white stuff).