Tag Archive: Spain



I dream I am having or giving or supervising lessons at school. There are seats and an exam, but I am talking with a friend while I fix a window. It’s sunny outside. Suddenly there’s a mouse which I catch, and fling out the window. I climb up some rickety white spiral steps they are very wobbly at the top, and poorly fixed to the wall. I get to the top safely though. There’s a corridor with rooms. I go into one. There’s a primary school in the building, and apparently I’m a school legend’ though I’m not sure quite why I am. I check on Owen Howells (we went to primary school together) who is also a teacher. We are in Spain on a field trip. There is going to be a meal at 5pm and everyone is milling around waiting. I thought I was late and was going to go and get some fish and chips from a take out.



Last night I had a Greys Anatomy related dream.

It was in a big old castle & town in Spain . The stonework and wood I remember were really beautifully carved. I am looking around like a tourist. There is a dog in the dream, though I don’t remember what it looked like. It follows us around for a bit. The owner finally turns up and then the dog and owner disappear. We go into the other room and see water and pools. There are all sorts of treatments and stuff. There are warm water machines lining walls, strange carved seats etc as well. One room has a bookcase and another is selling books. I see a sleeping beauty one or a Cinderella one that I think Tyler would like. The bookshelf has Jules Verne on it and unidentified old books.

In the next room there are loads of seats. I am now on an ‘airplane’. I sit down and end up chatting with guy who fears flying.

Dream shifts and we are on a bus.

Derek from Greys Anatomy appears. He’s lost his nerve for surgery. His sister is a kidnapper/burgler and can get anywhere. She helps him somehow. Derek is thinking of going into neuro (not the surgery, the other one neuro-physiology I think it’s called – it pays more, and he and I are thinking of getting a house together. There is a kidnap and ransom of a little girl. Derek’s sister leaves her group who’s kidnapped the girl to help her brother.



I had an odd sort of dream last night. Me and mum were in Spain (or my mind identified it as Spain) on holiday. We had a rental car and were heading home. To do this we needed to catch a bus (national express) from this place which was /quite/ a way away. I don’t know why, but we left leaving to the very last moment because we were having a cream tea (scones and cream and strawberry jam (oddly enough it was the jar I bought in real life today at the Bunkfest. I remember being a bit put out that the entire jar had pretty much /gone/ and I had had hardly any (there were a large group at the cafe we were at. So finally we do leave, and mum says she knows the way. We need to be there by nightfall to catch the bus. SO we are bombing along the roads (part motorway part mountainous pass) at a VERY fast clip. I mean, the road speed signs have ridiculous speeds like 150000 and mum’s doing something like 200000 (no idea what speed unit that was but it was hella fast.) Unfortunately, mum and I have not taken into account the fact that there are road works on one of the roads we need to take, so we need a guide to get to where we are going. We whizz round a corner and through a mountain tunnel to get to the place we are going to pick our guide up from. (There was a shadowy bus at the place we stopped to pick up the guide – who turns out to be a much older (he had wrinkles and grey hair) Achilleus from work, and another guy. We park the car in a car park (it looks like one of the high-rise types – only it’s IN the mountain. SO we park there, nip to the office to pick up our guide and then the two guys come up. Mum has to go with one. I am to go with Achilleus (who has a little baby boy with him strapped into the front seat). Mum forgets her luggage and I have to call her back. Then finally I get into the back seat of the car I am supposed to travel in (suitcase net to me) and the dream fades as I think…why are we leaving the car? (I now think its mums RL car) One of us is going to have to come back and get it eventually…