Tag Archive: girls


I dream I am with my friends.  We are going through rooms, and end up needing a break.  Zoe and Joe are there.  I end up resting my head on Joes shoulder, and I tell Zoe it’s comfy. She is a little protective of Joe, as if I’m likely to steal his affections. I’m respond that his shoulder was comfy, but that didn’t mean anything.

I also dreamt I was doing an audit of a school. There were lots of rules.  I’m mincing around, and there are people from Grey’s Anatomy and I’m offered fruit to eat. People tell some weird stories (and I wish I remembered them).  I’m pretty sure I was auditing Tulketh High School, but the corridors were wider, more reminiscent of Pembroke Comprehensive’s language corridor.  I end up following a group of girls down the drive of Tulketh School, and into town, where they cause havoc.  A pair of the girls crash the wedding of one of their sisters, and she’s NOT happy about it.  The other girl who crashed the party hides, and then runs away, the family help her to get out, as if the bride is a monster.



I dreamt about two girls, one being chased by another both on horseback. One of the girls is blonde, and evil. There is a note involved. The horse chosen to steal is chosen at random, the nice girls horse is chosen. She takes her horse and runs.

They run until nightfall, managing to lose the evil blonde girl briefly just outside a village. They enter the village, and hide behind a huge hedge. The girl dismounts to allow her mount a rest, and takes the saddle off, but leaved the bridal on. It’s cold, has been snowing. The horse rolls in on the ground to cool off.

The evil girl thinks the girl is in the village, turns her horse out into a paddock at the bottom of a hill (the hedge is at the top along with the houses. There are garages and workshops below) The blonde girl then enters a house, and comes back out with torch and begin to search the village.

The girl trying to escape, tries t get the saddle back on her horse to escape, and backs her horse away and down the hill as the blonde girl approaches the huge hedge. The blonde girl knows she is there, and shouts at her that she can’t escape her. The escaping girl see’s a light from a car, coming from the direction she’s escaping in. She is near to a car garage now. She thinks that the person in the car will help her.

The calls out to the driver for help. The blonde girl shouts you can’t get away, that’s my father. The escaping girl realises she is cornered, backs away and is cornered by the men. But before anything bad happens to the girl and her horse, the blonde’s father is shot from behind, and killed. The shooter backhands the girl through a window in to the garage, where she is knocked out. The horse runs away to safety.

The blonde girl is held at gunpoint. The men are mobsters and her family have something they want. She knows where it is. They pin her to one of the cars.

Slightly randomly I see a cat walk along the guttering and into the garage with the unconscious escaping girl. There’s no one to protect the blonde girl like the horse protected the escaping girl.



I dreamt that a king was dying, and that people were throwing a party (possibly about that but I’m not 100% sure). There is a power outage and everyone huddles in a group.  When the lights come back on, a Politician gives the others a chance to make a phone call. I creep upstairs to get my L5R core book for some reason, and end up outside on a plain of some sort.  It’s very flat.  In the distance I can see a destructive pyroclastic flow and run.  There are whole ranks of parked up taxis that people are running between and around away from the destructive cloud. People are running onto the sand of the plain, and dying as the cloud catches and either suffocates, pummels or burns them. I mange to outrun everyone somehow, except for one man on the sand who I know is extremely dangerous.  Somehow he is injured and I escape him and the cloud envelops him.  I just keep running.  I eventually end up in a hotel.  I explore the rooms, there is a boy in one of the rooms, they aren’t bedrooms, they look more like utility store or kitchen space, but are being used as bedrooms.  The boy is important somehow.  Social services are involved because there are a lot of bodies.  I don’t remember if the boy did it or not, but they were in the room the girls used.  A phone call is made, and that’s all I remember



I had a great dream last night. In it I went back to university to be a student. There was a lot of walking around, bumping into freshers, finding my dorm (it looked like a very swish hotel room for six to ten women). Then there was more wandering around campus. There was this area which appeared to have paradoxical stairs, certainly when I took one route to avoid them, because of several female teachers touting their courses it brought me straight back to them. I walked towards the sports pitch (over some stone bleachers) and sat on the grass with some friends watching a game of football. One of my friends in the dream walks up in a gorgeous Olympics inspired dress. It had the Chinese high collar and was very fitted like Chinese dresses seem to be,. It was silver and grey with blue piping and Olympic rings obscuring the 2012 symbol on her right shoulder. It didn’t have arms to it. It was a really vivid dream but it gets more fuzzy after this. I remember some talk about killing someone (probably related to last night’s roleplay where Melly flew off the handle aty hearing Eli had been executed by Ophelia). Whatever the dream was, it left me feeling good when I woke up, and it was sunny too. A good start to the day.



I had a very unusual dream last night. I was in Bath, in the roman baths, or it looked like it at least. There are opaque pools and alters to at least three goddesses, and possibly a god. The three goddesses are Epona, goddess of horses, Athena goddess or wisdom and another, possibly Gaia the mother goddess. I take in my hands a tiny statuette at one of the altars – possibly a votive offering to a goddess?

The dream shifted then and it becomes a fair bit less detailed and vivid. There is a book gift. Achilles (from the Illiad rather than my work colleague) and a lion head. There’s a section where I’m in a hotel playing room tetris. There is a secret society I am a part of and it involves meditation. There is a magic the gathering guy in the shop in the hotel ad he’s selling booster boxes and cards. We ask questions, there is a report of some murders.

I’m in the hotel again, but I’m not ‘me’ I’m amorphous and following two horsey girls. They are doing a photo shoot (in the nude) for a calendar they are doing for charity. They don’t realise that there is a dangerous person in the building. One of the girls hears something and heads out of the room. She sees the guy – covered in blood, and goes to hide. The police come and catch the murderer – the hiding girl alerted them to his location. Then they find her hiding and help her. The other horsey girl is dead


I dreamt of a family of five which had two boys in the middle. They were visiting their eccentric uncle or grandfather. The eldest girl is modest and shy and is a hit. The second girl causes a scandal pretending to be a flirt from the ball the night before which they all went to. She is stealing stuff and trying to seduce ‘uncle Tom’. She gets rumbled and into trouble for the thefts. The upshot of this is that the eldest daughter to get the ceramic cat (an inheritance item of value possibly?) that the second daughter was to have and the second daughter is jealous.
Then the dream shifted, and I was in a car park by the coast with kids and a cardboard tree Sam (a friend I know) made. I have to break it down again to get it in the car. It had a very Youth Group feel to it.

17/8/10 (just)


I woke up JUST before midnight after having had this dream and noted it down because I /knew/ I would forget otherwise. It was very vivid and just a little disturbing….

So I was at ‘school’ in a lab wearing a white lab coat. I may have been watching or assisting in the dissecting of a human body. Suddenly, something goes wrong (just after the first cut is made) and an alarm goes off. Everyone panics. I ask what is wrong, but suddenly I can ‘smell’ (I don’t actually smell it but in the dream I do) almonds. And one of the guys is sniffing frantically before backing away rapidly from the body. Apparently the body is giving off a patent form of cyanide gas. Evacuation from the lab is called and we all get out. The door is closed. I yell at a lad who is by the door and breathing deeply trying to sniff the cyanide (no idea why). Suddenly we can hear a whirring and everything gets hazy. We look up and realize the ventilation system is pumping the cyanide (now a billowing pink cloud) through the ventilation. One of the lead scientists (they all appear to be male except for me) realises the cyanide will circulate through the school, and hits the fire alarm to evacuate the building. Then we make a run for the lifts, trying to hold our breath so we breathe in the minimum amount of the cyanide. We get to the lifts – they aren’t working. Setting off the fire alarm automatically shut them down. There is a bit of cursing before someone yells get to the stairs – and this set of hallways is a bit maze like and it is hazy with the gas (now clear). I am holding my breath and am in the lead. I am the first to find the stairs and race up them into the main school – which doesn’t have the gassy haze. There are kids running around and monitors guiding us outside. Outside is very bright and green, and we are guided over to a taped up area. There aren’t all that many kids (in a dark blue uniform) out there – mostly they are quite young too – 9/10 years old. I look back to the school with is a large building like a stately home. One or two of the girls are acquaintances and ask what’s going on. I tell them, and only then realize that I am the ONLY one of the lab team to get outside. The back of my nose and throat start to burn then just as the ‘rescue’ team (there were paramedics and police etc waiting outside to help people) go in to get those that didn’t get out a good 90% of the school if the numbers outside and the size of the school building are anything to go by. We wait for the rescue team to come out, and I think I should really get checked out – I have breathed this gas even if it was only a little bit of it. No-one comes out. We realise they are probably all dead. Then the army and navy and (sea scouts? – they were kids and wearing yellow reflective jackets and checkquered black and white hard hats) come marching in. I get a text which is the bank – they are telling me my bank balance and telling me I need to pay a bill. Then mosh jumped through the window accompanied with much loud scrabbling – it woke me up. It was a shame, because I am convinced that I would have gone back in with one of the teams to find out what the school looked like.


A game of hide and seek I play with a man and two girls turns into the man and the girls hunting me. I couldn’t escape them. I belted through the countryside (very english with rolling fields and high hedges and a scattering of trees). I even hide overnight in a house with a secret room. They stayed in the house too so it wasn’t a restful sleep. I was about to leap the hay bales outside the ‘next day’ to escape when I woke up.